Russian Language Journal
Russian language learning, Russian language pronunciation
Kimberly DiMattia’s Unlocking Russian Pronunciation provides a much-needed supplement to the instruction of phonetics currently available in most Russian textbooks. Combining insights gained from academic studies of phonetics in the tradition of Elena Bryzgunova and Irina Odintsova, with a thoroughly modern approach to multimedia-driven instruction, Unlocking Russian Pronunciation presents the topic in a straightforward and approachable manner. The mini course consists of a textbook and instructional videos, which introduce learners to a hybrid Russian transcription system that aims to make explicit the rules of Russian phonetics. DiMattia’s system is designed to be used as a supplemental resource at any level of Russian instruction or by students independently.
Recommended Citation
Kogel, I. (2021). Review: Unlocking Russian Pronunciation: A Supplementary Multimedia Mini-Course in Phonetics Based on Famous Russian Songs. Russian Language Journal, 71(1).