Russian Language Journal
second language, cultural immersion, background, study
Overseas immersion study for second language (L-‐‑2) acquisition is widely regarded not only as valuable educationally, but also essential for the attainment of upper-‐‑level proficiencies. Unfortunately, the mechanisms though which overseas language and cultural immersion training may (or may not) foster successful adult acquisition are still not well understood (e.g., Rivers, 1998; Ginsburg & Miller, 2000, Kinginger, 2011). As a result, researchers across a range of disciplinary backgrounds are examining cognitive, psycholinguistic, and cultural factors affecting linguistic outcomes within the study abroad environment, including increased efforts to account for the notable variation that has been observed in actual levels of L-‐‑2 attainment by students returning from study abroad, as previously reported in Freed (2004), Davidson (2010) and Kinginger (2009).
Recommended Citation
Davidson, D. E., & Lekic, M. D. (2010). The Overseas Immersion Setting as Contextual Variable in Adult SLA: Learner Behaviors Associated with Language Gain to Level-‐‑3 Proficiency in Russian. Russian Language Journal, 60(1).