Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Development of a Five-Axis Machining Algorithm in Flat End Mill Roughing, Michael Blaine Thompson
Approximate Thermal Modeling of Radiofrequency Cardiac Ablation, Aaron Joseph Walter
Evolution of Turbine Blade Deposits in an Accelerated Deposition Facility: Roughness and Thermal Analysis, James Edward Wammack
Global Finish Curvature Matched Machining, Jianguo Wang
An Investigation of Improving Wear of 390 Die-cast Aluminum Through Hardcoat Anodizing, Michael J. Whiting
Preliminary Design Approach for Prosthetic Ankle Joints Using Compliant Mechanisms, Jason Matthew Wiersdorf
Simulation-Based Design Under Uncertainty for Compliant Microelectromechanical Systems, Jonathan W. Wittwer
Nesting Automated Design Modules In An Interconnected Framework, Jared Matthew Young
Microparticle Influenced Electroosmotic Flow, John M. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
An Open Architecture for Versatile Machine and Actuator Control, Michael Scott Baxter
A Comprehensive Model for Technology Push Product Development, Gregory Loren Bishop
Thermally Developing Electro-Osmotic Convection in Circular Microchannels, Spencer L. Broderick
Compliant Mechanisms to Perform Bearing and Spring Function in High Precision Applications, Jesse R. Cannon
Flexible machine tool control for direct, in-process dimensional part inspection, Tyler Addison Davis
Dynamic Stability and Handling Qualities of Small Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles UNMANNED-AERIAL-VEHICLES, Tyler Michael Foster
Percolation Paths of Three-Dimensions in Sensitized Stainless Steel, Alisa Jean Henrie
The Development of an Accelerated Testing Facility for the Study of Deposits in Land-Based Gas Turbine Engines, Jared Wilfred Jensen
Development of a Virtually Calibrated Projection Moire Interferometry Technique Capable of Inaccessible Surface Measurements, Mark Lee Kimber
A CAD-centric Approach to CFD Analysis With Discrete Features, Matthew Lee King
Quantifying the Effects of Aging on the Mechanical Properties of Medical Grade Polycarbonate and UV Cured Adhesives, Christopher James Lewis
Modeling and Control of Surface Micromachined Thermal Actuators, Robert K. Messenger
Numerical Modeling of Friction Stir Welding: A Comparison of Alegra and Forge3, Alma H. Oliphant
Effects of Friction Stir Processing on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fusion Welded 304L Stainless Steel, Colin J. Sterling
Variation Simulation of Fixtured Assembly Processes for Compliant Structures Using Piecewise-Linear Analysis, Michael L. Stewart
Effects of Friction Stir Welding on Polymer Microstructure, Seth R. Strand
Numerical Simulations in Electro-osmotic Flow, Joseph S. Tenny
Coordinated UAV Target Assignment Using Distributed Calculation of Target-Task Tours, David H. Walker
Development of Pole Impact Testing at Multiple Vehicle Side Locations As Applied To The Ford Taurus Structural Platform, Mark Halford Warner
High-Torque Capacity Compliant Centrifugal Clutches, Ryan G. Weight
Fully Compliant Tensural Bistable Mechanisms (FTBM) with On-Chip Thermal Actuation, Daniel L. Wilcox
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
A Five-Zone Model for Direct Injection Diesel Combustion, Rich Asay
On-Chip Actuation of Compliant Bistable Micro-Mechanisms, Michael S. Baker
Reconstruction of the Temperature Profile Along a Blackbody Optical Fiber Thermometer, David Gary Barker
A Closed-Form Dynamic Model of the Compliant Constant-Force Mechanism Using the Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model, Cameron Boyle
Design and Analysis of End-Effector Systems for Scribing on Silicon, Bennion Rhead Cannon
Thermal Microactuators for Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Rebecca Cragun
Compliant Centrifugal Clutches: Design, Analysis, and Testing, Nathan B. Crane
Time Aliasing Methods of Spectrum Estimation, Jason F. Dahl
Development of In-Plane Compliant Bistable Microrelays, Troy Alan Gomm
Establishing A Quantitative Foundation for Exactly Constrained Design, Alisha M. Hammond
Identification of Macro- and Micro-Compliant Mechanism Configurations Resulting in Bistable Behavior, Brian D. Jensen
Analysis and Design of Surface Micromachined Micromanipulators for Out-of-Plane Micropositioning, Kimberly A. Jensen
Selecting Appropriate Product Concepts for Manufacture in Developing Countries, Danielle Johnson
Development of an Advanced Stem Heating Model, Joshua L. Jones
Predicting Drag Polars For Micro Air Vehicles, Mark Elden Luke
Incorporating Functionally Graded Materials and Precipitation Hardening into Microstructure Sensitive Design, Mark Edward Lyon
The Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model for Dynamic Predictions of Macro and Micro Compliant Mechanisms, Scott Marvin Lyon
A Self-Retracting Fully-Compliant Bistable Micromechanism, Nathan D. Masters
Designing Active Smart Features to Provide Nesting Forces in Exactly Constrained Assemblies, Eric Pearce
Large Eddy Simulation Based Turbulent Flow-induced Vibration of Fully Developed Pipe Flow, Matthew Thurlow Pittard
An Investigation of Compliant Over-running Ratchet and Pawl Clutches, Gregory Mark Roach
A Study of Radiofrequency Cardiac Ablation Using Analytical and Numerical Techniques, Ryan Todd Roper
Modeling the Transient Response of a Thermosyphon, James Kirk Storey
Tools and Metrics for Evaluating Modular Product Concepts Based on Strategic Objectives, Matthew Bailey Strong
An Approach to Concept Development for Compliant Mechanisms Possessing High Coefficients of Restitution, Brandon H. Woolley
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Elasticity in Microstructure Sensitive Design Through the use of Hill Bounds, Benjamin L. Henrie
Development and Design of Constant-Force Mechanisms, Brent Lewis Weight
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Predicting the Effects of Dimensional and Material Property Variations in Micro Compliant Mechanisms, Jonathan W. Wittwer
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The Development and Evaluation of the knife Finite Element, Brett W. Clark
High-Pressure Oxidation Rates for Large Coal and Char Particles, James A. Mathias
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Flexible Engineering Software: An Integrated Workstation Approach to Finite Element Analysis, Brant Arnold Ross
Theses/Dissertations from 1976
An Improved Fission Product Pressure Model for Use in the Venus-II Disassembly Code, Ray Leland Jensen
Steady-State Fluidics: Computer-Aided Analysis of Analog Fluidic Circuits by Use of Experimentally Determined Characteristic Curves, Raymond P. Martin Jr.
Sensitivity of Process Variables on Rigid Polyurethane Foaming, Bruce A. Pugsley
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
Alcohol Assisted Hydrocarbon Fuels: A Comparison of Exhaust Emissions, Power Output and Fuel Consumption Using Static and Dynamic Engine Test Facilities, Dwight J. Bushnell
Determination of the Most Economically Feasible Method for High Volume Machining of a Discharge Port in a Powder-Metal Compressor Cylinder, Perry W. Carter
Steady State Fluidics: the Static Matching of Fluidic Amplifiers and Loads, Frank J. Redd
Theses/Dissertations from 1973
Finite Conductance Element Method of Conduction Heat Transfer, E. Clark Lemmon
Transient Convective Heat Transfer in Closed Containers During and After Gas Injection, Jennings Donell Means
Analysis of Heat Generation and Temperature in High Speed, High Temperature Bearing Balls, Hans R. Ringger
An Aerodynamic Investigation of the Causes of Overhead Electrical Transmission Line Gallop, Eric Nathan Skousen
The Design and Analysis of an Electro-Pneumatic Signal Converter, Richard K. Thornton
Measurement and Analysis of Data in Turbulent and Transition Regions of Two-Phase Flow, Akula Venkatram
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
An Experimental Investigation of the Relation Between the Cooling Rate and Welding Variables in Fusion Welding, Sujit Biswas
Rotary Engine Designs Based on a Particular Off-Set Cavity/Rotor System, M. Dean Black
The Dynamic Characteristics of a Beam Whose Material is Represented by a Three-Parameter Viscoelastic Solid, Vishnurao K. Devkar
Application of the Maximum Deformation Theory of Failure to the Torsional Failure Due to Fracture of 4140 Steel, C. V. Krishna Kumar
Determination of Drag and Lift Coefficients for a Spinning Baseball, M. B. Parekh
Peak Temperature Distribution in Steel Plates During Arc-Welding, Bhanuprakash M. Patel
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
A Study in the Design and Development of a Baseball Pitching Machine, Neal M. Lundwall
Conduction Error in Thermocouples Embedded in Low Conductivity Material, Tumkur G. Nagaraju
Transition from Laminar to Turbulent Flow for a Two-Phase Mixture, Mohammed Sharief Qureshi
A Computer Simulation of a Partial Venous System of a Human Lower Extremity, David C. Smith
Transient Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient for Injection into Rigid Vessel, James Edward Steiger
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The Design of a Laser Doppler Velocimeter, Marlo R. Anderson
An Investigation of a Computer Technique for Determining the Characteristic Parameters of a Viscoelastic Model with Hysteresis Effects from Transient Experimental Data, Stephen Jack Clark
A Study of the Effects of Some Parameters of the Galloping of Electric Transmission Lines, Leland J. Coleman
Particle Dynamics in the Mixing of a Particle-Laden Stream with a Secondary Stream in a Duct, William Doyle Cranney
Temperature Protection for Fruit Trees by Air-Supported Plastic Structures, Ram T. Gadhavi
A Dynamic Model of a Small Manufacturing Company, Abraham John
Triaxial Stress Effects in Weldments Associated with the Heat Affected Zone, Rohit A. Mehta
A Data Reduction Technique for Drag-Coefficient Data for Spheres, Stephen Thomas Merrell
Determination of Effective Strain for the Strainhardening of Aluminum Subjected to Completely Reversed Strain Combinations, Navin M. Patani
A Survey of Literature on the Pyrolysis of Wood and Other Cellulosic Solids, Kenneth P. Sasine
An Optimization Technique Applied to the Determination of Modal Damping Coefficients, Craig C. Smith
A Feasibility Study of the Application of Bondgraph Modeling and Computerized Nonlinear Model Parameter Identification Techniques to the Cardiovascular system, Randall L. Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
A Computer Procedure for the Identification of Beam, Spring, and Damping Parameters of an N-Mass Model Using Transient Data, Lynn A. Christiansen
Optimization of Physical Properties of Hydraulic Cushion Cells for Vehicle Impact Restraint, William Evans Hughes