
OMS3, Petri Nets, graph data structure, GEOframe-NewAge

Start Date

26-6-2018 2:00 PM

End Date

26-6-2018 3:20 PM


Too often scientific efforts from research environments cannot find full application in supporting decision-makers and policy makers. The existing gap between the two environments is the result of lacking of communication. To bridge this gap, scientific outputs should be easier to interpret. The exposure of modelling methodologies through appropriate languages and symbols could really be the missing link between the two “worlds”.

This abstract introduces a network-focused modeling approach to represent hydrological relationships in catchment and subcatchment and to manage related modeling solutions through flexible computational bindings.

The representation is built upon mathematical category. A category is an algebraic structure that comprises "objects" linked by "arrows". It is an evolution of Petri Nets said Time Continuous Petri Nets (TCPN). It aims to display (water) budgets processes and catchment interactions using explicative and self-contained symbolism. The result improves readability of physical processes compared to current descriptions.

The IT perspective hinges on the Object Modeling System (OMS) v3. The latter is a non-invasive flexible environmental modeling framework designed to support component-based model development. The implementation of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data structure, named Net3, has recently enhanced its flexibility. Net3 represents interacting systems as complex networks: vertices match any sort of time evolving modeling solution; edges correspond to their data (fluxes) interchange. It currently hosts GEOframe-NewAge components, and those implementing travel time analysis of fluxes. Further bio-physical or management oriented components can be easily added.

This talk introduces both graphical representation and related informatics exercising actual applications and examples.

Stream and Session

Stream C, Session C5


Jun 26th, 2:00 PM Jun 26th, 3:20 PM

On complex networks representation and computation of hydrological quantities

Too often scientific efforts from research environments cannot find full application in supporting decision-makers and policy makers. The existing gap between the two environments is the result of lacking of communication. To bridge this gap, scientific outputs should be easier to interpret. The exposure of modelling methodologies through appropriate languages and symbols could really be the missing link between the two “worlds”.

This abstract introduces a network-focused modeling approach to represent hydrological relationships in catchment and subcatchment and to manage related modeling solutions through flexible computational bindings.

The representation is built upon mathematical category. A category is an algebraic structure that comprises "objects" linked by "arrows". It is an evolution of Petri Nets said Time Continuous Petri Nets (TCPN). It aims to display (water) budgets processes and catchment interactions using explicative and self-contained symbolism. The result improves readability of physical processes compared to current descriptions.

The IT perspective hinges on the Object Modeling System (OMS) v3. The latter is a non-invasive flexible environmental modeling framework designed to support component-based model development. The implementation of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data structure, named Net3, has recently enhanced its flexibility. Net3 represents interacting systems as complex networks: vertices match any sort of time evolving modeling solution; edges correspond to their data (fluxes) interchange. It currently hosts GEOframe-NewAge components, and those implementing travel time analysis of fluxes. Further bio-physical or management oriented components can be easily added.

This talk introduces both graphical representation and related informatics exercising actual applications and examples.