
Green Infrastructure, interactive design, JupyetrHub, SWMM, RHESSys

Start Date

26-6-2018 2:00 PM

End Date

26-6-2018 3:20 PM


Green Infrastructure (GI) has been widely used as a sustainable stormwater management strategy in many urbanized environments. Despite wide acknowledgment of GI benefits in scientific communities, there is a lack of planning tools that allow practitioners to interactively identify and evaluate the best locations and types of GI practices using distributed hydrologic models. An online interactive tool is needed that quantifies the watershed-scale effects of multiple GI practices designed at their scale of implementation. To address such a need, we have developed an online Cloud-based interactive tool—called Interactive Design and Analysis System for Green Infrastructure (IDEAS for GI)— that aids planners and researchers in obtaining quantitative assessments of GI designs. The tool uses Google™ satellite view, Google™ street view, empirical models, and numerical urban hydrology models (SWMM and RHESSYS) to provide estimations, including uncertainty bounds, of stormwater pollutant uptake, stormwater peak flow, stormwater volume reduction, life cycle cost, and air pollutant deposition using GI. The tool also allows users to select the locations of individual trees or rain gardens through actual representation of the landscape in Google™ street view, facilitating participatory design. The tool has been calibrated for two small (< 1.5 km2) urbanized watersheds in Baltimore metropolitan area, and provides a framework for use in any watershed with existing hydrologic models. By executing the tool for several design scenarios, we demonstrate that local-scale details, such as specific location, area of GI implementation, and the area of stormwater capture, play an important role in the watershed-scale effectiveness of GI.

Stream and Session

Stream C: Integrated Social, Economic, Ecological, and Infrastructural Modeling

Session C5: Participatory Modelling 2.0: Interfaces, Tools, Methods and Approaches for Linking Stakeholders Decisions, and Environmental Modelling


Jun 26th, 2:00 PM Jun 26th, 3:20 PM

IDEAS for GI – Interactive DEsign and Analysis Software for Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure (GI) has been widely used as a sustainable stormwater management strategy in many urbanized environments. Despite wide acknowledgment of GI benefits in scientific communities, there is a lack of planning tools that allow practitioners to interactively identify and evaluate the best locations and types of GI practices using distributed hydrologic models. An online interactive tool is needed that quantifies the watershed-scale effects of multiple GI practices designed at their scale of implementation. To address such a need, we have developed an online Cloud-based interactive tool—called Interactive Design and Analysis System for Green Infrastructure (IDEAS for GI)— that aids planners and researchers in obtaining quantitative assessments of GI designs. The tool uses Google™ satellite view, Google™ street view, empirical models, and numerical urban hydrology models (SWMM and RHESSYS) to provide estimations, including uncertainty bounds, of stormwater pollutant uptake, stormwater peak flow, stormwater volume reduction, life cycle cost, and air pollutant deposition using GI. The tool also allows users to select the locations of individual trees or rain gardens through actual representation of the landscape in Google™ street view, facilitating participatory design. The tool has been calibrated for two small (< 1.5 km2) urbanized watersheds in Baltimore metropolitan area, and provides a framework for use in any watershed with existing hydrologic models. By executing the tool for several design scenarios, we demonstrate that local-scale details, such as specific location, area of GI implementation, and the area of stormwater capture, play an important role in the watershed-scale effectiveness of GI.