1st International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software - Lugano, Switzerland - June 2002
watershed, contamination, gis, model, surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology
Start Date
1-7-2002 12:00 AM
This paper describes the efforts and current achievements of developing a GIS based hydrologicalmodel for flow and contaminants transport within Lake Kinneret watershed. The proposed model is built ofhydrological “input-output” physical response blocks for routing rainfall-runoff water quantity and quality insub-watersheds, coupled further with a delineated GIS database. An illustrative example of the modelcapabilities is demonstrated.
On a GIS Based Hydrological Model for Flow and Contamination Transport in Lake Kinneret Watershed
This paper describes the efforts and current achievements of developing a GIS based hydrologicalmodel for flow and contaminants transport within Lake Kinneret watershed. The proposed model is built ofhydrological “input-output” physical response blocks for routing rainfall-runoff water quantity and quality insub-watersheds, coupled further with a delineated GIS database. An illustrative example of the modelcapabilities is demonstrated.