
Submissions from 2009


Stress Behaviors and Activity Type Participation of Preschoolers in More and Less Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms: SES and Sex Differences, Craig H. Hart, Diane C. Burts, Mary Ann Durland, Rosiland Charlesworth, Michele DeWolf, and Pamela O. Fleege


Recent Government Reforms Related to Marital Formation, Maintenance, and Dissolution in the United States: A Primer and Critical Review, Alan J. Hawkins, Robin Fretwell Wilson, Theodora Ooms, Steven L. Nock, Linda Malone-Colon, and Lloyd Cohen


Adolescent Outcome Measures in the NLSY97 Family Process Data Set: Variation by Race and Socioeconomic Conditions, Erin K. Holmes, Hinckley A. Jones-Sanpei, and Randal D. Day


Work Interference with Dinnertime as a Mediator and Moderator Between Work Hours and Work and Family Outcomes, Jenet Jacob, E. Jeffrey Hill, Nicole L. Mead, Sarah Allen, and Maria Ferris


Religion and Socioeconomic Attainment in Ghana, Spencer L. James, Timothy H. Heaton, and Yaw Oheneba-Sakyi


Core Family Process Measures in the NLSY97: Variation by Gender, Race, Income, and Family Structure, Hinckley A. Jones-Sanpei, Randal D. Day, and Erin K. Holmes


Family Process Variables in the NLSY97: A Primer, Hinckley A. Jones-Sanpei, Randal D. Day, Erin K. Holmes, and Alisa van Langeveld


Family Process Environmental Measures in the NLSY97: Variation by Race and Socioeconomic Conditions, Hinckley A. Jones-Sanpei, Erin K. Holmes, and Randal D. Day


Critical Theorizing: Enhancing Theoretical Rigor in Family Research, Stan J. Knapp


Adolescent Religiosity as a Protective Factor for Delinquency: Review of Evidence and a Conceptual Framework for Future Research, Robert D. Laird, Matthew D. Marrero, and Loren D. Marks


Religion and the Daily Lives of LDS Families: An Ecological Perspective, Rachel Wadsworth Loser, Shirley R. Klein, E. Jeffrey Hill, and David C. Dollahite


Perceived Benefits of Religious Rituals in the Latter-Day Saint Home, Rachel W. Loser, E. Jeffrey Hill, Shirley R. Klein, and David C. Dollahite


Faith, Crisis, Coping, and Meaning Making After Katrina: A Qualitative, Cross-Cohort Examination, Loren D. Marks, Katie E. Cherry, and Jennifer L. Silva


Enhancing Cultural Competence in Financial Counseling and Planning: Understanding Why Families Make Religious Contributions, Loren D. Marks, David C. Dollahite, and Jeffrey P. Dew


Proactive, reactive, and romantic relational aggression in adulthood: Measurement, predictive validity, gender differences, and association with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Dianna Murray-Close, Jamie M. Ostrov, David A. Nelson, Nicki R. Crick, and Emil F. Coccaro


An examination of emerging adulthood in Romanian college students, Larry J. Nelson


Behavioral and relational correlates of low self-perceived competence in young children, Larry J. Nelson, Craig H. Hart, Cortney Anne Evans, Robert J. Coplan, Susanne Olsen Roper, and Clyde C. Robinson


Grandparents Across the Ocean: Eastern European Immigrants' Struggle to Maintain Intergenerational Relationships, Olena Nesteruk and Loren Marks


Immigrant Parents' Concerns Regarding Their Children's Education in the United States, Olena Nesteruk, Loren Marks, and M. E. Betsy Garrison


Extra Credit As Incentive for Voluntary Research Participation, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Byron L. Zamboanga, Ross A. Thompson, and Larissa A. Schmersal


Adult Attachment and Symptom Distress: A Dyadic Model of Couples in Therapy, Michele Leann Parker and Lee N. Johnson


Male Victims: The Nature and Meaning of Sexual Coercion, Jason J. Platt and Dean M. Busby


A Longitudinal Examination of Family Processes, Demographic Variables, and Adolescent Weight, Jessica L Smith Price, Randal D. Day, and Jeremy B. Yorgason


Older Adults With Diabetes and Osteoarthritis and Their Spouses: Effects of Activity Limitations, Marital Happiness, and Social Contacts on Partners’ Daily Mood, Susanne Olsen Roper and Jeremy B. Yorgason


The Impact of Marital Conflict on Health and Health Care Utilization in Older Couples, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Richard B. Miller, James M. Harper, Mihaela Robila, and Adam Davey


A Qualitative Study of the Experiences and Satisfaction of Direct Telemedicine Providers in Diabetes Case Management, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Paula M. Trief, Roberto Izquierdo, Robin Goland, Philip C. Morin, Walter Palmas, Caryl D. Larson, James G. Strait, Steven Shea, and Ruth S. Weinstock


The Psychology Behind Helping and Prosocial Behaviors: An Examination from Intention to Action, Jennifer L. Silva, Loren D. Marks, and Katie E. Cherry


Trauma, attachment, and family therapy with grandfamilies: A model for treatment, Deena D. Strong, Roy A. Bean, and Leslie L. Feinauer


Childhood Sexual Abuse, Other Childhood Factors, and Pathways to Survivors’ Adult Relationship Quality, Eric C. Walker, Thomas B. Holman, and Dean M. Busby


Developing a Domestic Violence Protocol for Marriage Education: Critical Components and Cautions, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Kay Bradford, Ann Vail, Erik T. Carlton, and Katie Bathje


Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: the Influence of Self-Appraisals, Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Leigh Ann Simmons, Jennifer R. Havens, Douglas B. Smith, and Megan Oka


Marital Attitude Trajectories Across Adolescence, Brian J. Willoughby


Sexual Experience and Couple Formation Attitudes Among Emerging Adults, Brian J. Willoughby and Jason S. Carroll


The Decline of In Loco Parentis and the Shift to Coed Housing on College Campuses, Brian J. Willoughby, Jason S. Carroll, William J. Marshall, and Caitlin Clark


The Relationships Between Emerging Adults’ Expressed Desire to Marry and Frequency of Participation in Risk-Taking Behaviors, Brian J. Willoughby and Jodi Dworkin


Sexual Desire Discrepancy: The Effect of Individual Differences in Desired and Actual Sexual Frequency on Dating Couples, Brian J. Willoughby and Jennifer Vitas


Wives' Experience of Husbands' Pornography Use and Concomitant Deception as an Attachment Threat in the Adult Pair-Bond Relationship, Spencer T. Zitzman and Mark H. Butler

Submissions from 2008


Framing Carework Context, Processes, and Outcomes, Sarah Allen, Shirley R. Klein, and E. Jeffrey Hill


The role of religious beliefs and practices on emerging adults' perceived competencies, perceived importance ratings, and global self-worth, Carolyn McNamara Barry and Larry J. Nelson


Making the Connection between Prayer, Faith, and Forgiveness in Roman Catholic Families, Mindi Batson and Loren Marks


How do I Analyze Thee? Let Me Count the Ways: Considering Empathy in Couple Relationships using Self and Partner Ratings, Dean M. Busby and Brandt C. Gardner


Pathways to Relationship Aggression Between Adult Partners, Dean M. Busby, Thomas B. Holman, and Eric Walker


Common Pitfalls of Beginning Therapists Utilizing Enactments, Mark H. Butler, Sean D. Davis, and Ryan B. Seedall


Facilitated Disclosure versus Clinical Accommodation of Infidelity Secrets: An Early Pivot Point in Couple Therapy. Part 1: Couple Relationship Ethics, Pragmatics, and Attachment, Mark H. Butler, James M. Harper, and Ryan B. Seedall


Facilitated Disclosure Versus Clinical Accommodation of Infidelity Secrets: An Early Pivot Point in Couple Therapy. Part 2: Therapy Ethics, Pragmatics, and Protocol, Mark H. Butler, Ryan B. Seedall, and James M. Harper


Generation XXX: Pornography Acceptance and Use Among Emerging Adults, Jason S. Carroll, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Larry J. Nelson, Chad D. Olson, Carolyn McNamara Barry, and Stephanie D. Madsen


Differences in Retrospective Perceptions of Parenting of Male and Female Inmates and Non‐Inmates*, Stacey Chipman, Susanne F. Olsen, Shirley R. Klein, Craig H. Hart, and Clyde C. Robinson


Adolescent perceptions of indirect forms of relational aggression: sex of perpetrator effects, Sarah Coyne, John B. Archer, Toni Liechty, and Mike Eslea


The effects of viewing physical and relational aggression in the media: Evidence for a cross-over effect, Sarah M. Coyne, David A. Nelson, Frances Lawton, Shelly Haslam, Lucy Rooney, Leigh Titterington, Hannah Trainor, Jack Remnant, and Leah Ogunlaja


The effects of viewing physical and relational aggression in the media: Evidence for a cross-over effect, Sarah Coyne, David A. Nelson, Frances Lawton, Shelly Haslam, Lucy Rooney, Leigh Titterington, Hannah Trainor, Jack Remanant, and Leah Ogunlaja


Does Reality Backbite? Physical, Verbal, and Relational Aggression in Reality Television Programs, Sarah Coyne, Simon L. Robinson, and David A. Nelson


Psychopathy, aggression, and cheating behavior: A test of the Cheater–Hawk hypothesis, Sarah Coyne and Tiffany J. Thomas


Indirect Aggression in Animated Disney Films, Sarah Coyne and Emily Whitehead


Debt Change and Marital Satisfaction Change in Recently Married Couples, Jeffrey P. Dew


Marriage and Finance, Jeffrey P. Dew


The Gendered Meanings of Assets for Divorce, Jeffrey P. Dew


Themes and Trends of Journal of Family and Economic Issues: A Review of Twenty Years (1988–2007), Jeffrey P. Dew


Talking About Religion: How Highly Religious Youth and Parents Discuss Their Faith, David C. Dollahite and Jennifer Y. Thatcher


En-Gendering the Couple-Deity Relationship: Clinical Implications of Power and Process, Brandt C. Gardner, Mark H. Butler, and Ryan B. Seedall


Religious Beliefs, Faith Community Involvement and Depression: A Study of Rural, Low-Income Mothers, M. E. Betsy Garrison, Loren D. Marks, Frances C. Lawrence, and Bonnie Braun


Family Therapy and Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia: Pursuing Clinical and Bio/Psycho/Social Competence, Stanley D. Hall and Roy A. Bean


Parenting dimensions and adolescents' internalisation of moral values, Sam A. Hardy, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, and Gustavo Carlo


Love, Limits, and Latitude, Craig H. Hart, Lloyd D. Newell, and Julie H. Haupt


Does Marriage and Relationship Education Work? A Meta-Analytic Study, Alan J. Hawkins, Victoria L. Blanchard, Scott A. Baldwin, and Elizabeth B. Fawcett


Increasing Fathers’ Involvement in Child Care With a Couple‐Focused Intervention During the Transition to Parenthood, Alan J. Hawkins, Kimberly R. Lovejoy, Erin K. Holmes, Victoria L. Blanchard, and Elizabeth Fawcett


Defining and conceptualizing workplace flexibility, E. Jeffrey Hill, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Sarah Allen, Victoria Lael Blanchard, Christina Matz-Costa, Sandy Shulkin, and Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes


Exploring the relationship of workplace flexibility, gender, and life stage to family-to-work conflict, and stress and burnout, E. Jeffrey Hill, Jenet I. Jacob, Laurie L. Shannon, Robert T. brennan, Victoria Lael Blanchard, and Giuseppe Martinengo


Fathers’ Religious and Family Involvement at Home: Work and Family Outcomes, E. J. Hill, R. O. Whyte, J. I. Jacob, V. L. Blanchard, S. F. Duncan, D. C. Dollahite, and L. Wadsworth


Book Review – Situated Fathering: A Focus on Physical and Social Spaces, Erin K. Holmes


Six Critical Ingredients in Creating an Effective Workplace, Jenet I. Jacob, James T. Bond, Ellen Galinsky, and E. Jeffrey Hill


Perceived Versus Used Workplace Flexibility in Singapore: Predicting Work–Family Fit, Blake L. Jones, D. Phillip Scoville, E. Jeffrey Hill, Geniel Childs, Joan M. Leishman, and Kathryn S. Nally


The Process of Family Therapy, Anthony Jurich and Lee N. Johnson


How Fathers Respond When Their Youth Leave and Return Home, Robert A. Lewis and Stephen F. Duncan


Fostering self‐esteem: exploring adult recollections on the influence of foster parents, Nikki Luke and Sarah Coyne


How Does Religion Influence Marriage? Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim Perspectives, Loren Marks


Prayer and marital intervention: Asking for divine help... or professional trouble?, Loren D. Marks


"Together, We Are Strong": A Qualitative Study of Happy, Enduring African American Marriages, Loren D. Marks, Katrina Hopkins, Cassandra Chaney, Pamela A. Monroe, Olena Nesteruk, and Diane D. Sasser


Children’s Intent Attributions and Feelings of Distress: Associations with Maternal and Paternal Parenting Practices, David A. Nelson and Sarah Coyne


Intent Attributions and Aggression: A Study of Children and their Parents, David A. Nelson, Carianne Mitchell, and Chongming Yang


Normative Beliefs Regarding Aggression in Emerging Adulthood, David A. Nelson, Melanie M. Springer, Larry J. Nelson, and Nathaniel H. Bean


‘My Mom Makes Me So Angry!’ Adolescent Perceptions of Mother–Child Interactions as Correlates of Adolescent Emotions, Laura M. Padilla-Walker


Negative and positive peer influence: Relations to positive and negative behaviors for African American, European American, and Hispanic adolescents, Laura M. Padilla-Walker and Roy A. Bean


Adolescent Perceptions of Appropriate Parental Reactions in Moral and Conventional Social Domains, Laura M. Padilla-Walker and Gustavo Carlo


The Role of Perceived Parental Knowledge on Emerging Adults’ Risk Behaviors, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Larry J. Nelson, Stephanie D. Madsen, and Carolyn McNamara Barry


The relationship of perceived flexibility, supportive work–life policies, and use of formal flexible arrangements and occasional flexibility to employee engagement and expected retention, Amy L. Richman, Janet T. Civian, Laurie L. Shannon, E. Jeffrey Hill, and Robert T. Brennan


The Attachment Relationship in Recovery from Addiction. Part 2: Substantive Enactment Interventions, Ryan B. Seedall and Mark H. Butler


Singapore's Falling Fertility: Exploring the Influence of the Work-Family Interface, Rachel Sheffield, Keitaro Yoshida, E. Jeffrey Hill, Lindsay Larson Call, and Elisabeth Trail


The Relationship Between Stages of Change and Outcome in Couple Therapy, Rachel B. Tambling and Lee N. Johnson


Diabetes Management Assisted by Telemedicine: Patient Perspectives, Paula M. Trief, Jonathan G. Sandberg, Roberto Izquierdo, Philip C. Morin, Steven Shea, Rebecca Brittain, Elizabeth Banks Feldhousen, and Ruth S. Weinstock


Caring for Dying Children and Their Families: MFTs Working at the Gates of the Elysian Fields, Ileana Ungureanu and Jonathan G. Sandberg


Clinical Training of MFTs for Adoption, Foster Care, and Child Development Settings: A Comparative Survey of CACREP, COAMFTE, and CSWE Accredited Programs, Kyle N. Weir, Stephen T. Fife, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Alicia Blazewick


The Role of Appraisal Distortion, Contempt, and Morality in Couple Conflict: A Grounded Theory, Jason B. Whiting PhD


Overcoming the Cinderella Myth: A Mixed Methods Study of Successful Stepmothers, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Donna R. Smith PhD, Tammy Barnett MS, and Erika L. Grafsky MS


Protectors or Perpetrators? Fathers, Mothers, and Child Abuse and Neglect, W. Bradford Wilcox and Jeffrey P. Dew


Health, Disability, and Marital Quality Is the Association Different for Younger Versus Older Cohorts?, Jeremy B. Yorgason, Allen Booth, and David Johnson

Submissions from 2007


What’s Love Got To Do With It? The Role of Healthy Couple Relationships and Marriages In Promoting Child, Family, and Community Well-Being, Francesca Adler-Baeder PhD, Karen Shirer PhD, and Angela B. Bradford


Couples' Experience of Enactments and Softening in Marital Therapy, Lotta G. Andersson, Mark H. Butler, and Ryan B. Seedall


The Impact of Maternal Relationship Quality on Emerging Adults’ Prosocial Tendencies: Indirect Effects via Regulation of Prosocial Values, Carolyn McNamara Barry, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Stephanie D. Madsen, and Larry J. Nelson


The Process of Couple Healing Following Infidelity: A Qualitative Study, Mark H. Bird, Mark H. Butler, and Stephen T. Fife


Influences and Processes in Theoretical Orientation Development: A Grounded Theory Pilot Study, George W. Bitar, Roy A. Bean, and J. Maria Bermúdez