Submissions from 1983
The Distribution of Economic Rents When Irrigated Farmland Is Leased, Ray G. Huffaker and B. Gardner Delworth
Utilization Patterns of the Primary Subsidized Food Commodities in Egypt, Sobhy Ismail, Dyaa K. Abdou, and B. Delworth Gardner
The effects of preschool on educationally advantaged children: First phases of a longitudinal study, Jean M. Larsen, Steven J. Hite, and Craig H. Hart
Socialization and Adolescent Self-esteem: Symbolic Interaction and Social Learning Explanations, D. Kim Openshaw, Darwin L. Thomas, and Boyd C. Rollins
The Pronunciation of Women: Some Spanish Evidence, Lynn Williams
Two Features of Working-Class Phonology in Valladolid, Lynn Williams
Submissions from 1982
Food Consumption an Distribution: An Overview, Dyaa Abdou and B. Gardner Delworth
Economic Implications of the Policy for Pricing and Allocating Rice in Egypt, Sonia Mohamed Ali and B. Gardner Delworth
A Mathematical Contraction and Automated Analysis of Internal Controls, Andrew D. Bailey Jr, Gordon Leon Duke, James Gerlach, Chen-en Ko, Rayman D. Meservy, and Andrew B. Whinton
A Hidden-Line Algorithm for Hyperspace, Robert P. Burton and David R. Smith
A Unique Microprocessor Instruction Set, D. A. Fairclough
Reviewed Work: Locking up the Range: Federal Land Controls and Grazing by Gary D. Libecap, B. Delworth Gardner
The Role of Economic Analysis in Public Range Management, B. delworth Gardner
High-temperature Battery Calorimeter, L. D. Hansen, R. H. Hart, D. M. Chen, and H. F. Gibbard
On Methods of Studying Marriages and Families, Brent C. Miller, Boyd C. Rollins, and Darwin L. Thomas
Social Placement of Adolescents: Sex-Role Influences on Family Decisions regarding the Careers of Youth, Gary W. Peterson, Boyd C. Rollins, Darwin L. Thomas, and L. Kay Heaps
The Challenge of Socialist Thought, Noel B. Reynolds
Diffusion Thermoeffect Measurements of Heats of Transport in Ternary Liquid Toluene Chlorobenzene Bromobenzene Mixtures at 25°C and 3°C, Richard L. Rowley, Gerald Platt, and Tevin Vongvanich
The Diffusion Thermoeffect in Ternary, Nonelectrolyte Liquid Mixtures, Richard L. Rowley, Gerald Platt, and Tevin Vongvanich
Orphaned by Black Hawk's Warriors, Albert Winkler
Submissions from 1981
Sodium Flux Ratio in Voltage-Clamped Squid Giant Axons, David D. Busath and Ted Begenisich
Multiple Scattering of Protons and Deuterons by Thick Foils, D. R. Dixon, G. L. Jensen, S. M. Morrill, C. J. Connors, R. L. Walter, C. R. Gould, and P. M. Thambiduria
Farm size relationships, with an emphasis on California: a summary report, B. Delworth Gardner, Harold O. Carter, and Warren E. Johnston
The Case for Regional Groundwater Management, B. Delworth Gardner, Richard E. Howitt, and Carole Frank Nuckton
Landau free energy form at the F point of the Roverline3 structure, Dorian M. Hatch and Daniel L. Decker