Submissions from 1986
KASS: A Knowledge-based Auditor Support System, Ramayya Krishnan, Rayman D. Meservy, and Vandana Gadh
Internal Control Evaluation: A Computational Model of the Review Process, Rayman D. Meservy, Andrew D. Bailey Jr, and Paul E. Johnson
Editing Templates: A User Interface Generation Tool, Dan R. Olsen Jr.
Considerations of temperature stability in a cylindrical plasma, S. Neil Rasband and Yao-Hui Xu
Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law, Noel B. Reynolds
HUME AND HIS CRITICS: Reid and Kames, Noel B. Reynolds
Liberal Political Theory and the Rule of Law, Noel B. Reynolds
Morality and the Rule of Law, Noel B. Reynolds
The Union of Legal and Political Theory, Noel B. Reynolds
A Scale for Assessing Student Attitudes Toward Computers: Preliminary Findings, P. Scott Richards, David W. Johnson, and Roger T. Johnson
Heats of Transport from the Diffusion Thermoeffect in Binary Liquid Mixtures of Toluene, Chlorobenzene, and Bromobenzene, Richard L. Rowley and M. D. Hall
Algebraic Geometry for Computer-Aided Geometric Design, Thomas W. Sederberg and Ronald N. Goldman
Equilibrium properties of short field-reversed configurations, Ross L. Spencer and M. Tuszewski
Afterwords, Darwin L. Thomas
Arnoldia kuesii, a new juvenile fernlike plant from the Lower Permian of New Mexico, William D. Tidwell and Sidney Ash
Interconnected reproductive and vegetative remains of Populus (Salicaceae) from the middle Eocene Green River Formation, northeastern Utah, William D. Tidwell, Steven R. Manchester, and David L. Dilcher
Pinuxylon woolardii sp. nov., a new petrified taxon of Pinaceae from the Miocene basalts of eastern Oregon, William D. Tidwell, Lee R. Parker, and Vaughn K. Folkman
Submissions from 1985
Pedro Henríquez Ureña y El Español en Santo Domingo, Orlando Alba
Quantum Electrodynamics Based on Self-energy: Lamb Shift and Spontaneous Emission Without Field Quantization, A. O. Barut and Jean F. Van Huele
A theoretical basis for practical amplifier design using cascaded operational amplifiers, David J. Comer
Information, Incentives, and Property Rights: The Emergence of an Alternative Paradigm, B. Gardner Delworth
A generalized Molien function for field theoretical Hamiltonians, Jeffrey W. Felix and Dorian M. Hatch
Example of a group action determined phase transition, Jeffrey W. Felix and Dorian M. Hatch
Information, Incentives, and Property Rights: The Emergence of an Alternative Paradigm, B. Delworth Gardner