An open access repository for publications by Brigham Young University faculty, staff, and administrators.


Submissions from 2012


Low-Income Mothers in Marriage and Relationship Education: Program Experiences and Beliefs About Marriage and Relationships, Amanda Szarzynski, Rob Porter, Jason B. Whiting PhD, and Steven M. Harris


Shyness and Relationship Satisfaction: Evaluating the Associations Between Shyness, Self-Esteem, and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples, Sarah L. Tackett, Larry J. Nelson, and Dean M. Busby


Effects of tiered training on general educators' use of specific praise, M. T. Thompson, Michelle Marchant, D. Anderson, Mary Anne Prater, and G. Gibb


The Influence of Couple Emotional Intimacy on Job Perceptions and Work–Family Conflict, Carly M. Thornock, Shelece McAllister, Jeffrey Hammond, Erin K. Holmes, and E. Jeffrey Hill


Mobility of a Semiflexible Chain Confined in a Nanochannel, Douglas R. Tree, Yanwei Wang, and Kevin D. Dorfman


Desperate Not to "Forget the Gods": Mormon Fantasy and the Epic Poem, Gerrit van Dyk


A Synthetic Document Image Dataset for Developing and Evaluating Historical Document Processing Methods, Daniel Walker, William Lund, and Eric Ringger


Marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms among Chinese older couples, Qianrong Wang, Dahu Wang, Chunhua Li, and Rick B. Miller


Resolution limit for DNA barcodes in the Odijk regime, Yanwei Wang, Wes F. Reinhart, Douglas R. Tree, and Kevin D. Dorfman


P.Köln (Pap. Theol. 53—60) + P.BYU (091 D562e) Three Binding Strips Preserving Sirach (38.28.4—39.4.4), Thomas A. Wayment


P.Oxy. 2383 (P 69 ) One More Time, Thomas A. Wayment


Habitat relationships among biodiversity indicators and co-occurring species in a freshwater fish community, Jeff S. Wesner and Mark C. Belk


Multiple predators indirectly alter community assembly across ecological boundaries, Jeff S. Wesner, Eric J. Billman, and Mark C. Belk


A Quick Response: QR Code Use at the Harold B. Lee Library, Michael J. Whitchurch


Appraisal Distortions And Intimate Partner Violence: Gender, Power, And Interaction, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Megan Oka PhD, and Stephen T. Fife PhD


Safety in Intimate Partnerships: The Role of Appraisals and Threat, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Douglas B. Smith, Megan Oka, and Gunnar Karakurt


The Date Night Opportunity: What Does Couple Time Tell Us About the Potential Value of Date Nights?, W. Bradford Wilcox and Jeffrey P. Dew


Introduction of Planar Compliant Joints Designed for Combined Bending and Axial Loading Conditions in Lamina Emergent Mechanisms, Samuel E. Wilding, Larry L. Howell, and Spencer P. Magleby


Spherical Lamina Emergent Mechanisms, Samuel E. Wilding, Larry L. Howell, and Spencer P. Magleby


March 2013, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 14–28 | Cite as Residual Effects of Slavery: What Clinicians Need to Know, Erica J. Wilkins, Jason B. Whiting PhD, Marlene F. Watson, Jody M. Russon, and Allena M. Moncrief


Using Marital Attitudes in Late Adolescence to Predict Later Union Transitions, Brian J. Willoughby


Differing Relationship Outcomes When Sex Happens Before, On, or After First Dates, Brian J. Willoughby, Jason S. Carroll, and Dean M. Busby


Transitioning into Cohabitation Early in a Relationship: Associations With Family of Origin Assessments and Couple Outcomes, Brian J. Willoughby and Eunicia Jones


The Emergence of Gender-Neutral Housing on American University Campuses, Brian J. Willoughby, Jeffrey K. Larson, and Jason S. Carroll


Sooner or later? The marital horizons of parents and their emerging adult children, Brian J. Willoughby, Chad D. Olson, Jason S. Carroll, Larry J. Nelson, and Richard B. Miller