"When Programs Collide: A Panel Report on the Competing Interests of An" by Ryan M. Schuetzler, Jacob A. Young et al.

When Programs Collide: A Panel Report on the Competing Interests of Analytics and Security


Analytics, Privacy, Security, IS Education


The increasing demand for business analytics and cybersecurity professionals provides an exciting job outlook for graduates of information systems programs. However, the rapid proliferation of devices and systems that spurred this trend has created a challenging ethical dilemma for the individuals responsible for educating future generations of information technology professionals. Many firms collect and store as much data as possible in the hope that technology might uncover useful insights in the future. This behavior results in an ever-increasing challenge for those charged with protecting organizational assets and exerts pressure on executives seeking an analytical edge to remain profitable in a hyper-competitive marketplace. With this dilemma in mind, a recent panel discussion at the 14th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference explored the delicate balance between unleashing the power of analytics and securing the sensitive data it consumes while respecting consumer privacy. This paper reports on that discussion and its insights.

Original Publication Citation

Young, J. A., Biros, D. P., Schuetzler, R. M., Smith, T. J., Stephens, P. R., Syler, R. A., & Zheng, S. H. (2020) When Programs Collide: A Panel Report on the Competing Interests of Analytics and Security. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 46

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL



Communications of the Association for Information Systems




Marriott School of Business


Information Systems

University Standing at Time of Publication

Assistant Professor
