"How Can I Build a Successful Faculty Development Program?" by Tyler J. Griffin and Kenneth L. Alford

How Can I Build a Successful Faculty Development Program?


Faculty Development, Faculty Program, Higher Education


There are few places where tradition matters in higher education. The ceremonies. The rituals. The rivalries. The history.

But that doesn’t mean it is immune to change.

In fact, you can’t miss all the changes at colleges and universities these days, from the technology that is breaking down the walls of the lecture halls to the laws that are demanding how we handle safety and equality on campus and in the classroom to the increasingly diverse group of people who teach our students.

Practically every day introduces a brave new world of teaching and learning.

The challenge, of course, is keeping all your instructors up to speed with all that change. No one person can stay on top of everything.

That is where in-service training comes in. With the right programming, you can make sure that your faculty—regular and adjunct, along with instructors and teaching assistants—have access to and actually use the professional development resources they need in order to remain compliant and relevant.

Creating that kind of program is no small task, but you can learn how in How Can I Build a Successful Faculty Development Program?

Original Publication Citation

Griffin, Tyler J., Alford, Kenneth L. (2014). “How Can I Build a Successful Faculty Development Program?” Magna Publication Inc. 20-Minute Mentor DVD, Madison, Wisconsin.

Document Type

Peer-Reviewed Article

Publication Date


Permanent URL



Magna Publications




Religious Education


Ancient Scripture

University Standing at Time of Publication

Associate Professor
