An ETD is an electronic thesis or dissertation document. The document is similar to its paper predecessor, but differs in that ETDs may incorporate multimedia elements, enabling graduate students to more effectively and creatively present their research. ETDs consume virtually no library shelf space, never collect dust, and are available to anyone browsing the World Wide Web. Students were required to submit an electronic version of their paper beginning in September 2009.


Theses/Dissertations from 1964


The Case Method - A Technique for Teaching Religion to LDS Youth, Cal Juel Andreasen


Design of Regeneratively Cooled, High Temperature, Clean Gas Plasma, Roger Carver Bartlett


Metabolism of thiamine and the effect of some antagonists, Russel M. Bender


An Experimental Investigation of the Effect of a Constant Body Force Field Upon the Drag Coefficient of a Sphere, Brent Evans Boyack


A History of the Missionary Activities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in India, 1849-1856, R. Lanier Britsch


A comparative osteological study of two species of Colubridae (Pituophis and Thamnophis), Robert E. Bullock


A study of albinism, and some mating reactions in Psilocybe mutans, Henry L. Curtis


History of the St. George Temple, Kirk M. Curtis


Evaluation of methods used in the determination of stability constants of the thallium (III)-chloride system at twenty-five degrees, Nelson Kent Dalley


A Study of Indian Enrollments in the United States to Determine the Possibilities of Establishing Indian Seminaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Marion N. Davidson


A Descriptive Analysis of the Effectiveness of Broadcasting by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Northern States Mission Area, Robert W. Donigan


A Study of the Attitude of the Latter-Day Saint Church, in the Territory of Utah, Toward Slavery as it Pertained to the Indian as Well as to the Negro from 1847 to 1865, Roldo V. Dutson


George Romney and the Michigan Gubernatorial Compaign - 1962, Richard C. Fuller


A Study of Merit Rating Practices in the LDS Department of Education, Garry Wayne Graf


A calorimetric study of metal amino acid complexes in aqueous solution. I. The copper (II) glycine system. II. The nickel (II) glycine, alanine and phenylalanine systems, Wilbur Orme Greenhalgh


The Book of Mormon as an Instrument in Teaching the Historicity of Old Testament Events and Characters, Jerome C. Hainsworth


An Economic Analysis of Labor Mobility in Utah County, Utah, Michael C. Haynes


Distribution patterns of pocket gophers in the Hobble Creek Area, Utah County, Elvis J. Holt


An Evaluation of the Performance of Latter-Day Saint Seminary Coordinators as Instructional Supervisors, U. Carlisle Hunsaker


Changes in the vegetation of two restricted areas of the Wasatch plateau as related to reduced grazing and complete protection, Hyrum B. Johnson


A Study to Determine the Interests and Concerns of Senior Students in Relationship to the Thirty-Five Directional Objectives of the LDS Seminary System, James Frank Killian


An Analysis of Relationships Between Religious Broadcast Programming Objectives and Methods of Presentation Used by Selected Major Religious Program Producers, as Compared with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Val E. Limburg


Autoradiographic localization of serotonin and 5-hydroxytryptophan in the rat brain, Gordon Keith Matheson


The Origin and Original Meaning of Sacrificial Blood Offerings as Revealed in the Bible and Modern Scriptures, Theo Emory McKean


A Study of Boy Scout and Aaronic Priesthood Activity (Boys Age Twelve to Fourteen) in Selected LDS Wards, Orval Leonard Nelson