An ETD is an electronic thesis or dissertation document. The document is similar to its paper predecessor, but differs in that ETDs may incorporate multimedia elements, enabling graduate students to more effectively and creatively present their research. ETDs consume virtually no library shelf space, never collect dust, and are available to anyone browsing the World Wide Web. Students were required to submit an electronic version of their paper beginning in September 2009.


Theses/Dissertations from 1966


Preliminary Design of a Hydraulic Vibration Machine with Variable Amplitude and Frequency, Using Multistage Amplification and Feedback Control, Melvin Joseph Merrell


The Nature and Cause of Internal and External Conflict of the Mormons in Ohio Between 1830 and 1838, Max H. Parkin


A Historical Analysis of Cove Fort, Utah, Larry C. Porter


The Life and Contributions of Newel Kimball Whitney, Larry Neil Poulsen


A Visual Interpretation of Events and Personalities from the Book of Mormon, Larry Berg Prestwich


The Nature of the Spirit World, as Taught in the Holy Scriptures and by the Prophets, Seers, and Revelators of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Roger T. Ralphs


A Collection and Analysis of Folk Songs from Wales, Sanpete County, Utah, Leslie E. Rees


Three Aspects of Postdivorce Social Adjustment in Mormon Utah and Protestant Nevada, Sonia Lillard Richardson


The Weberian osteology of three Utah suckers (catostomidae), William James Stubbs


A Historical Study of Silver Reef: Southern Utah Mining Town, Alfred Bleak Stucki


A Study of the Political Involvements in the Career of Joseph Smith, Edward G. Thompson


A Study of the Department of Religious Education of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Glen C. Wahlquist

The Thermodynamics of metal-cyanide interaction :|bII. The thermodynamics of Prussian blue and Turnbull's blue formation : III. A study of the chemistry of cobalt (II) cyanide ion reaction, Gerald Dee Watt


An ecological life history of budsage in Western Utah, Benjamin W. Wood


Salix in Utah, Alv Dan Youngberg


A Quantitative Analysis of Matthew Cowley's Use of the Illustrative Method of Oral Support, Kenneth Lloyd Young

The catalytic hydrogenation of quinazoline, Kitchener Barrie Young

Theses/Dissertations from 1965


The role of thiamine pyrophosphate in regulating the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the central nervous system, Bryant L. Adams


The Political Thought and Activity of Heber J. Grant, Seventh President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Loman Franklin Aydelotte


A phytosociological study of Coprophilous ascomycete and Basidiomycete communities from Santaquin Canyon, Utah, A. Clyde Blauer


A microscopic study of an early Pennsylvanian flora from the Manning Canyon shale, Utah, Max W. Blaylock


Adam Samuel Bennion, Educator, Businessman and Apostle, John Andrew Braithwaite


Identification of the adults, nymphs, and larvae of ticks of the genus Dermacentor Koch (Ixodidae) in the western United States, Elias P. Brinton


An Analysis of the Accounts Relating Joseph Smith's Early Visions, Paul R. Cheesman


Summer soil and air temperatures in four plant communities, Paul W. Conrad