An ETD is an electronic thesis or dissertation document. The document is similar to its paper predecessor, but differs in that ETDs may incorporate multimedia elements, enabling graduate students to more effectively and creatively present their research. ETDs consume virtually no library shelf space, never collect dust, and are available to anyone browsing the World Wide Web. Students were required to submit an electronic version of their paper beginning in September 2009.


Theses/Dissertations from 1968


Overwintering sites and winter mortality rates of certain predaceous mites in Central Utah orchards (phytoseiidae: typhlodromus), John Wayne Leetham


A Similarity Model for Flow in a Turbulent Boundary Layer, Earl Clark Lemmon


An Experimental Investigation of Proportional Braking, Rudolf Limpert


Samuel Brannan: Speculator in Mexican Lands, W. Ray Luce III


The effect of pregnancy and lactation on the iodine compounds in the tissues and plasma of the rat, Harry Jay Lyons


Determination of stability constants at 25C for the interaction in aqueous solution of serine with Co (II), Ni (II), Cd (II), Zn (II), and Cu (II) ions, Liak Hwe Ma


Development of the Marital Dissatisfaction of Mormon College Couples Over the Early Stages of the Family Life Cycle, Roy H. Marlowe


An investigation of a thyroidal control of water balance in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, Scott McClung Martin


A Study of the Cultural and Religious Behavior of the Navaho Indians Which Caused Animosity, Resistance, or Indifference to the Religious Teachings of the Latter-Day Saints, James D. Mathews


A Historical Examination of the Views of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Four Distinctive Aspects of the Doctrine of Deity Taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Joseph F. McConkie Sr.


An Analysis of the Speaking Style of Hugh B. Brown, Mormon Orator, William E. Morgan Jr.


The Relationship of the Priesthood Correlation Program to the Latter-Day Saint Concept of Zion, Dale C. Mouritsen


A study of reaction parameters in the hydrogenation of acetic acid by rhenium heptoxide catalyst, Victor L. Mylroie


Dispersal of mites within apple trees of an abandoned orchard in Central Utah, Eugene Eldon Nelson


An investigation of column efficiency and the relationship to liquid phase distribution on ultra-low loaded glass bead gas chromatographic columns, Donald G. Nyberg


A Study of the Effect of Color in the Utah Temple Murals, Terry John O'Brien


A Study of the LDS Coordinator Program, Carl J. Olsen Jr.


A taxonomic and ecological survey of the algae of Lilly Lake, Ann C. Palmer


The Godbeite Movement: A Dissent Against Temporal Control, Grant H. Palmer


Transition from Laminar to Turbulent Flow for Dilute Guar Gum Solutions, Martin L. Palmer


Study of Tensile Stress Versus Strain Characteristics of Vinyl Plastic at Various Temperatures as a Function of Strain Rate, Jitendra T. Parikh


The effect of thiamine and its antagonists on plasma and tissue lactic dehydrogenase in rats, Dong Hwa Park


A reconnaissance of upper cretaceous plants from the Blackhawk formation in Central Utah, and their paleoecological significance, Lee Ross Parker


Design and Operation of Equipment for Impact Test of a Hydraulic Cushion, Harshadbhai R. Patel


An Experimental Study of the Effects of Welding on Cold-Worked and on Heat-Treated Steels as they Correlate to Tempering and Jominy Data, Kiran Patwari