An ETD is an electronic thesis or dissertation document. The document is similar to its paper predecessor, but differs in that ETDs may incorporate multimedia elements, enabling graduate students to more effectively and creatively present their research. ETDs consume virtually no library shelf space, never collect dust, and are available to anyone browsing the World Wide Web. Students were required to submit an electronic version of their paper beginning in September 2009.


Theses/Dissertations from 2011


The Effects of the ReBound Diathermy Unit, Megapulse II Shortwave Diathermy Unit and Moist Hot Packs on Tissue Temperature Increase of the Triceps Surae Muscle Group, Amanda Rose Hawkes


We're Definitely on Our Own: Interaction and Disconnection in a Virtual High School, Abigail Hawkins


Dynamic Appointment Scheduling in Healthcare, McKay N. Heasley


Improving Multi-label Classification by Avoiding Implicit Negativity with Incomplete Data, Derrall L. Heath


Thawing the Frozen Heart: Turning to Antonio Machado to Overcome the Silence in El corazón helado by Almudena Grandes, Richard A. Henricksen


Facies Analysis and Reservoir Characterization of Subtidal, Intertidal, and Supratidal Zones of the Mudstone-rich Entrada Sandstone, South-Central Utah, Tanner Charles Hicks


The Relationship between Elementary Principals' Conceptualizations of Instructional Leadership and their Perceived Use of Time, Mardel S. Higginson


Co-learning Pedagogies in the Media Literacy Education Classroom, Erika Hill


Outdoor Scenes for Data Visualization, Benjamin A. Hillery


Pyrolysis Kinetics and Chemical Structure Considerations of a Green River Oil Shale and Its Derivatives, James L. Hillier


Social Networks, Language Acquisition, and Time on Task While Studying Abroad, Rebecca Ann Hillstrom


Ferritin Diversity: Mechanistic Studies, Disease Implications, and Materials Chemistry, Robert Joseph Hilton


The Relationship between Media in the Home and Family Functioning in Context of Leisure, Camilla J. Hodge


Identifying Complex Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs Using Core, Well Log, and 3D Seismic Data: Cretaceous Cedar Mountain and Dakota Formations, Southern Uinta Basin, Utah., William H. Hokanson


Analysis of Selected Factors Affecting Concrete Cover Measurements on Bridge Decks, Jeffrey Ryan Hoki


Paraeducators in Secondary Transitional Settings: Their Knowledge, Responsibilities, and Training Needs, Michelle Holbrook


Integration of Micropore and Nanopore Features with Optofluidic Waveguides for Single Particle Sensing, Matthew R. Holmes


Modeling, Design, and Testing of an Underwater Microactuation System Using a Standard MEMS Foundry Process, Gregory L. Holst


Experimental Characterization of Baffle Plate Influence on Turbulent and Cavitation Induced Vibrations in Pipe Flow, Gavin J. Holt


How Students Experience Teach-One-Another Activities in Online Courses at Brigham Young University-Idaho, Joshua Alan Holt


Judging the Credibility and Professionalism of Citizen Journalism Versus Professional Journalism, Caroline Christiansen Hood


An Integrated Geophysical and Geologic Study of the Paleogene-Age Volcanic Body and Possible Landslide Deposit on the South Slope of the Traverse Mountains, Utah, John C. Hoopes


Evaluation of Portable Devices for Monitoring Microcracking of Cement-Treated Base Layers, Charles A. Hope


A Novel Use of Digoxin Immune Fab Fragment in Identification and Isolation of an Endogenous Digitalis-like Factor Found in Preeclampsia, Moana Lee Hopoate-Sitake


On-Orbit FPGA SEU Mitigation and Measurement Experiments on the Cibola Flight Experiment Satellite, William A. Howes