Volume 11, Issue 1 (2018) Winter 2018
Front Matter
Editor's Note
Makayla Okamura and McKay Hansen
Three Books, Three Stereotypes: Mothers and the Ghosts of Mammy, Jezebel, and Sapphire in Contemporary African American Literature
Christine E. Eck
Reclaiming the Black Personhood: the Power of the Hip-Hop Narrative in Mainstream Rap
Morgan Klatskin
The Fluid Pastoral: African American Spiritual Waterways in the Urban Landscapes of Harlem Renaissance Poetry
Maren E. Loveland
'Fashionable Piety': Theological Modernism in Evelyn Waugh's Decline and Fall and Vile Bodies
Deirdre Murphy
How Drag Culture Resolves Tensions in Victorian Shakespearean Cross-Dressing; Or, Slay, Feste, Slay
Isaac Robertson
A Slowly Starving Race: Land and the Language of Hunger in Zitkala-Ša’s "Blue-Star Woman"
Adam R, Brantley
The Sun Dance Opera: A Call for Native Survivance
Lorin Groesbeck
End Matter
Full Issue