Criterion: A Journal of Literary Criticism seeks original, well-researched, and intellectually rigorous essays written from diverse critical perspectives and about texts from any time period or literary tradition. We prioritize undergraduate submissions but will consider submissions from those who have recently graduated and students pursuing a master's degree. Because we want to help undergraduates publish their work, we do not publish essays by PhD candidates or research scholars.
Submissions are peer-reviewed by a selection board comprised of students at BYU, and final decisions are made by the journal's lead editors in consultation with a faculty advisor.
Current Issue: Volume 17, Issue 2 (2024) vol. 17, issue 2
Front Matter
Weird Geometry: The Operation of Anti-sacred Spaces in “The Immortal” and “The Call of Cthulhu”
Washington C. Pearce
Knowing No Bounds: What Blake’s “Bounding Line” Tells us About Binding in The Book of Urizen, Europe a Prophecy, and Songs of Experience
Margaret R. Crane
Haunting, Healing, and Trauma in Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing
Reese Grindstaff
Full Issue

Ana Gabriela, BYU
Brendan Murphy, BYU
Managing Editors
Alexa Torgesen, BYU
George Dibble, BYU
Isaac Smith, BYU>Lea Boyer, BYU
Hattie Nickles, BYU
Jack Rose, BYU
Olivia T. Kano, BYU
Natalie Fernsten, BYU
Sophie West, BYU
Faculty Advisor
Christopher Blythe, BYU