Content Posted in 2017
Water Use of Four Commonly Planted Landscape Tree Species in a Semi-Arid Suburban Environment, Michael Cameron Bunnell
Weak Cayley Table Groups of Wallpaper Groups, Rebeca Ann Paulsen
Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms in Level 64, Christopher William Vander Wilt
Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms in Prime Power Levels of Genus Zero, David Joshua Thornton
WEAP Water Evaluation and Planning System, Jack Sieber
WEAP Water Evaluation and Planning System, Jack Sieber
We Are All Made of Molecules, Aylea Stephens
“We are all mad here”: The Changing Roles of Mental Illness in V. S. Naipaul’s Fiction, Chelsea Lee
We are America: A Tribute from the Heart, Kristie Hinckley
Weathering in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Carbon Sink, P. Egorov and Yuri Svirezhev
Web-Archiving Chinese Social Media: Final Project Report, Yunshan Ye, Ding Ye, Cathy Zeljak, Daniel Kerchner, Yan He, and Justin Littman
Web-based Open Source GIS Decision Support Tools: Explaining the Software Stack, Aaron Racicot
Web-based Open Source GIS Decision Support Tools: Explaining the Software Stack, Aaron Racicot
Web Services for Environmental Informatics, Erick Arauco and Lorenzo Sommaruga
"Wege zu Kraft und Schönheit", Lilly Klaudy
Wehe, wenn sie losgelassen..., Lilly Klaudy
Weihnachten in Newyork, Ann Tizia Leitich
Weihnacht in Berlin, Gabriele Reuter
Weihnachtseinkäufe., L.S.H.
Weihnachtsfreuden., Marianne Hainisch
Weihnachtslied, op. 13, Luise Greger
Weihnachtsschau im Künstlerhaus., L.S.H.
Weihnachtswünsche., L.S.H.
"We Know How to Keep House and We Know How to Keep a City": Contextualizing Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon's Feminism, Jennifer L. Duqué
Welcome to Open Water Journal, Daniel Ames, Ann van Griensven, Richard Hooper, Anthony M. Castronova, Christina Bandaragoda, and Nigel WT Quinn
Welcome To Skylander Academy, Amanda Durrant
We'll Find the Place: Situating Mormon Studies, Kristine Haglund
Weltausstellung in Philadelphia, Ann Tizia Leitich
Weltschmerz, Else Lasker-Schüler
We're in the Wrong Book!, Carlie Smith
Wer glaubt noch, Hertha Kräftner
Westward expansion of the evening bat (Nycticeius humeralis) in the United States, with notes on the first record from New Mexico, Brett R. Andersen, Keith Geluso, Hans W. Otto, and Larisa Bishop-Boros
“We’ve Had Our Fall”: O’Connor, Tolkien and Pelagianism, Taylor Topham
What Do Students Think? University Spanish Students' Experience Communicating Online with Native Spanish Speakers, Daniel K. Bates
“What Happened to Atticus Finch?”: The Argument Between Art and the Artist in the Context of Go Set a Watchman, Sarah C. Keenan
What If You Met A Cowboy?, Ariel Woodbury
What Is It Made Of? Noticing Types of Materials, Ariel Woodbury
What I Wish I Would've Known, Jacob Thorpe and Matthew Stradley
What Kind of Prejudice Was Anti-Mormonism?, Chris Beneke
What They Learned from the Mormons, Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp
What to Expect When You're Expecting Hatchlings: A Guide for Crocodilian Parents, Aylea Stephens
What, Why, and How Much?: The Integration of Culture in the Secondary Foreign Language Classroom, Danielle Patricia Asay
When I Grow Up, Kristie Hinckley
When My Baby Dreams of Fairy Tales, Cynthia Phillips
When Pages Collide: Dissecting the Words of Mormon, Jack M. Lyon and Kent R. Minson
When Souls Had Wings: Pre-mortal Existence in Western Thought, Jesse D. Hurlbut, James L. Siebach, David B. Paxman, Dana M. Pike, and Terryl L. Givens
When the Saints Came Marching In: A History of the Latter-day Saints in St. Louis, Thomas L. Farmer, Fred E. Woods, and Susan E. Black
When Two Roads Diverge: How Language Barriers Undermine Immigrant Parental Authority
When Was Jesus Born? A Response to a Recent Proposal, Lincoln H. Blumell and Thomas A. Wayment
When Will It Rain? Noticing Weather Patterns, Ariel Woodbury
Where Are the Bears?, Ariel Woodbury
Where are the Women of Silicon Slopes?, Wyatt Pagano
"Wherein Shall We Return?": A Historical and Analytical Examination of Lorenzo Snow's 1899 Reemphasis of Tithing, Zachary Ryan Horton
Which Is the Wisest Course?: The Transformation in Mormon Temple Consciousness, 1870–1898, Richard E. Bennett
Who Chose the Gospels? Probing the Great Gospel Conspiracy, Lincoln H. Blumell and C. E. Hill
Who is Helpful?: Examining the Relationship between Personality Factors and Supportive Responses and Attitudes toward Domestic Violence Victims, Christina Elisabeth Riley
Who's for Dinner? Predators and Prey, Ariel Woodbury
Who Wants a Hug?, Aylea Stephens
Who Wants Broccoli?, Kristie Hickley
Why Kids Are 'Lovin' It': A Q Methodology Analysis of the Appeal of McDonald's, Erica Nelson Rivera
Why Teach PE? Factors that Affect Students' Decisions to Teach Physical Education Revisited, Patrick McGaha and David C. Barney
Why Things Move: A New Look at Helaman 12:15, David A. Grandy
Why We Write, Victoria Beecroft
Wieder einmal in München., Hermine Cloeter
Wiedersehen mit Wien, Ann Tizia Leitich
Wie kann man Neger weiβ waschen?, Hedwig von Haza-Radlitz
Wiener Hausmusik., Hermine Cloeter
„Wiener Leut’ von gestern und heut'.”, Hermine Cloeter
Wiener Modebrief., Hollitzer Elisabeth
Wiener Volkssänger gestern und heute., Hermine Cloeter
Wiener Wintersportmoden., L.S.H.
Wie Patrizia die Liebe besiegt, Ann Tizia Leitich
Wilderness: An Interactive Atlas of Animals, Ariel Woodbury
Wilde Rosen, Louise Aston
William Egginton, The Man Who Invented Fiction: How Cervantes Ushered in the Modern World. Bloomsbury, 2016., Ernest B. Hook
Will Narcissists Distort? Personal Perceptions of Success and Failure in Narcissistic Individuals
Winter, Vilma von Webenau
Wintercraft #1: Shadowcry, Abigail Packard
Winter ecology and spring dispersal of Common Ravens in Wyoming, Luke W. Peebles and Michael R. Conover
Winterwanderung, Thekla Lingen
"With God's Assistance I Will Someday Be an Artist": John B. Fairbanks's Account of the Paris Art Mission, Rachel Cope
Within These Prison Walls: Lorenzo Snow's Record Book, 1886–1897, Jill N. Crandell, Richard N. Holzapfel, and Andrew H. Hedges
Without a common mental model a DSS makes no sense (a new approach to frame analysis using mental models), M. J. Kolkman and A. Van der Veen
Without a common mental model a DSS makes no sense (a new approach to frame analysis using mental models), M. J. Kolkman and A. Van der Veen
"With the Voice Together Shall They Sing", Laurence P. Hemming
Wohnungssorgen im alten Wien. (Literarische Notizen), Hermine Cloeter
Wolfie and Fly, Aylea Stephens
Woman Selling Plantain Chips, Brian Hoffman
Woman Sitting in Chair, Brian Hoffman
Woman Transfigured: Sylvie and Ruth in Marilynn Robinson’s Housekeeping, Sarah K. Johnson
Woman Working at Quarry, Brian Hoffman
Women and Eating: Cognitive Dissonance versus Self-Perception Theory
Women in Refrigerators: The Objectification of Women in Comics, Kyra Nelson
Women's Values Speaking Between Their Words: Women's Correspondence in Early Nineteenth Century America, Rachel Mahrt Degn
Wonder, Sydnee Burr
Wonder Woman, Abigail Packard
Workplace Bullying II: A Civilizational Shortcoming Examined in a Comparative Content Analysis, Leah P. Hollis
Workplace Bullying in the United States and Canada: Organizational Accountability Required in Higher Education, Leah P. Hollis
Workplace Discrimination and the Inefficiency of the Ellerth/Faragher Defense, Kimberly F. Medina
Work Rules! Insights from Inside Google, Krista Johnson
Worlds Come and Pass Away: Evolution of Stars and Planets in the Pearl of Great Price?, Hollis R. Johnson
World Trade and Biological Exchanges before 1492, Eric N. Jellen, John L. Sorenson, and Carl L. Johannessen
Worldwalker #1: Trial By Fire, Aylea Stephens
Worm Loves Worm, Carlie Smith
Would I Trade My Parents?, Kristie Hinckley
Would You Rather?, Liz Kazandzhy
Wrestling with Language: Exploring the Impact of Mormon Metaphysics on Theological Pedagogy, Michelle Chaplin Sanchez
Writing in Other People's Worlds: Two Students Repurposing Extracurricular Fan Fiction Writing to Fulfill Curricular Assignments, Alison Carol Blackburn
Writing in Suspense: A Critique on American Culture Through Objective and Subjective Reportage, Brittany Twigg
Wundermann Realtor, Ann Tizia Leitich
Xenon 147-nm Resonance ƒ value and Trapped Decay Rates, H. M. Anderson, Scott D. Bergeson, D. A. Doughty, and J. E. Lawler
Yamada Eimi and the Value of Trash, Mariah Christina Hunt
Yard Sale, Kristie Hickley
Yellow Animals, Ariel Woodbury
Yoga, Kristie Hinckley
You Are Special, Kristie Hinckley
You Can Teach Design: A Survival Guide for Studio Art Professors, Katharine Anne Grierson-Merryweather
Young Widows Club, Liz Smith
Yours Sincerely, Giraffe, Sarah Rawle
Youth Disclosure: Examining Measurement Invariance Across Time and Reporter, Robb E. Clawson
Zahlenwahnsinn, Gabriele Reuter
"Zaza", Lilly Klaudy
Ziemlich ruhig, Luise Adolpha Le Beau
"Zipano, der Brigant vom Monte Diavolo", Lilly Klaudy
Zip! Zoom! on a Broom, Karen Abbott
Zitkala-Sa and the Assimilation of Cultures, Kate E. Yancey
"Z.R. III.", Gabriele Reuter
"Z.R. III." in Newyork, Ann Tizia Leitich
Zur aktuellen Pelzfrage., L.S.H.
Zur Aufführung des Quartetts von Arnold Schönberg., Elsa Bienenfeld
Zur ersten Vesper, Margaretha, Fürstin zu Anhalt
Zurich's Militia Records in the Fifteenth Century, Albert Winkler
Zwei Bäume, Louise von Plönnies
Zwei Frauenporträts., Marie v. Bunsen
Zwei Lieder, op. 11 - An die Entfernte, Johanna Müller-Hermann
Zwei Lieder, op. 11 - Nähe des Geliebten, Johanna Müller-Hermann
Zweite Heimat, Maria Kahle
"Zwischen Haß und Liebe", Lilly Klaudy
Zwischen Winter und Frühling, Gabriele Reuter
Τhe integrated model network ITE2M: model set-up and assessment of agricultural land use and management options., Wolfgang Reiher, Lutz Breuer, Bernd Weinmann, Thorsten Pohlert, Martin Bach, Rolf A. Düring, Stefan Gäth, and Hans Georg Frede
Τhe integrated model network ITE2M: model set-up and assessment of agricultural land use and management options., Wolfgang Reiher, Lutz Breuer, Bernd Weinmann, Thorsten Pohlert, Martin Bach, Rolf A. Düring, Stefan Gäth, and Hans Georg Frede