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This article outline my process of researching the clash of beliefs between those who believe that art is more important than artist and those who place the artist ahead of the created artwork in importance, in context of the novel Go Set a Watchman. I also discuss two solutions — the reader and author accepting books like To Kill a Mockingbird as a phenomenon, or the reader and writer creating a dialogue based on mutual respect — that can ultimately help to resolve this dissonance.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Origin of Submission
as part of a class
Faculty Involvement
Zach Largey
“What Happened to Atticus Finch?”: The Argument Between Art and the Artist in the Context of Go Set a Watchman
This article outline my process of researching the clash of beliefs between those who believe that art is more important than artist and those who place the artist ahead of the created artwork in importance, in context of the novel Go Set a Watchman. I also discuss two solutions — the reader and author accepting books like To Kill a Mockingbird as a phenomenon, or the reader and writer creating a dialogue based on mutual respect — that can ultimately help to resolve this dissonance.