Volume 68, Number 2 (2008)
Front Matter
Controlling performance of bluebunch wheatgrass and spotted knapweed using nitrogen and sucrose amendments
Jane M. Mangold and Roger L. Sheley
Diet of the Mogollon vole as indicated by stable-isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N)
Carol L. Chambers and Richard R. Doucett
Hybridization between a rare and introduced Oenothera along the north Pacific Coast
Matthew L. Carlson and Robert J. Meinke
Aquatic invertebrate fauna of a northern prairie stream: range extensions and water quality characteristics
Iain D. Phillips, Dale Parker, and Glen McMaster
Northern Bobwhite habitat selection in relation to brush management in the Rolling Plains of Texas
Dean Ransom Jr., Roel R. Lopez, Gerral G. Schulz, and Joel S. Wagner
Species composition and habitat associations of benthic algal assemblages in headwater streams of the Sierra Nevada, California
Larry R. Brown, Jason T. May, and Carolyn T. Hunsaker
Leeches of the Snake River in Idaho and Oregon: paleodrainage implications of Mooreobdella microstoma
Peter Hovingh, William H. Clark, and John Keebaugh
Influence of soil and site characteristics on Palouse prairie plant communities
Thor Hanson, Yaniria Sánchez–de León, Jodi Johnson-Maynard, and Steve Brunsfeld
Feeding by the Great Basin spadefoot toad (Spea intermontana [Cope]) (Anura: Pelobatidae)
Richard S. Zack and Diana G. Johnson
Capture rates of reptiles and amphibians on black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies and on uncolonized prairie in Colorado
Bryon K. Shipley, Richard P. Reading, and Brian J. Miller
First record of diamondback moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) from interior Alaska
Aaron M. Hagerty, Alberto Pantoja, and Susan Emmert
Swift fox response to prescribed fire in shortgrass steppe
Craig M. Thompson, David J. Augustine, and Darren M. Mayers
Caudal movements in western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) prior to attempted prey capture
C. Drew Foster and Patrick Martin
Book Reviews
California's Frontier Naturalists by Richard G. Beidleman
Howard O. Clark Jr.
End Matter