Volume 66, Number 4 (2006)
Front Matter
Testing hypothesized evolutionary shifts toward stress tolerance in hybrid Helianthus species
Larry C. Brouillette, Maheteme Gebremedhin, David M. Rosenthal, and Lisa A. Donovan
Long-term effects of tebuthiuron on Bromus tectorum
Dana M. Blumenthal, Urszula Norton, Justin D. Derner, and Jean D. Reeder
Microhabitat-specific controls on soil respiration and denitrification in the Mojave Desert: the role of harvester ant nests and vegetation
Jeremy B. Jones and Diane Wagner
Effects of temperature on the survival and growth of age-0 least chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis)
Eric J. Billman, Eric J. Wagner, and Ronney E. Arndt
Correlation of neighborhood relationships, carbon assimilation, and water status of sagebrush seedlings establishing after fire
Katherine DiCristina and Matthew Germino
Wildlife use of Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoe witches' brooms in the Southwest
Shaula J. Hedwall and Robert L. Mathiasen
Serologic survey of the island spotted skunk on Santa Cruz Island
Victoria J. Bakker, Dirk H. Van Vuren, Kevin R. Crooks, Cheryl A. Scott, Jeffery T. Wilcox, and David K. Garcelon
Characterization of the dorsal skin gland of the Texas kangaroo rat, Dipodomys elator (Rodentia: Heteromyidae)
Frederick B. Stangl Jr., Jim R. Goetze, Michael M. Shipley, and Desiree A. Early
Stand-level herbivory in an old-growth conifer forest canopy
David C. Shaw, Kristina A. Ernest, H. Bruce Rinker, and Margaret D. Lowman
Populations and habitat relationships of Piute ground squirrels in southwestern Idaho
Karen Steenhof, Eric Yensen, Michael N. Kochert, and Kenneth L. Gage
Ontogenetic and habitat-related changes in diet of late larval and juvenile suckers (Catostomidae) in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
Douglas F. Markle and Kale Clauson
Long-term interactions of climate, productivity, species richness, and growth form in relictual sagebrush steppe plant communities
Neil E. West and Terence P. Yorks
The female of Cnodocentron (Caenocentron) yavapai Moulton and Stewart (Trichoptera: Xiphocentronidae)
David E. Ruiter
Ecology of Owens Valley vole (Microtus californicus vallicola)
Fletcher C. Nelson, Michael L. Morrison, Roel R. Lopez, Fred E. Smeins, and Nova J. Silvy
A longevity record for Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis, in western Montana
Jay A. Kolbe and John R. Squires
Book Reviews
Birds of Washington: Status and Distribution edited by Terence R. Wahl, Bill Tweit, and Steven G. Mlodinow
Clayton M. White
Raptors of California by Hans Peeters and Pam Peeters
Clayton M. White
End Matter