Volume 61, Number 1 (2001)
Front Matter
Natural history and invasion of Russian olive along eastern Montana rivers
Peter Lesica and Scott Miles
Branchinecta hiberna, a new species of fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Anostraca) from western North America
D. Christopher Rogers and Michael Fugate
Spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) outbreak in Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) in central Utah, 1986–1998
Alan D. Dymerski, John A. Anhold, and Allen S. Munson
Experimental manipulations of fertile islands and nurse plant effects in the Mojave Desert, USA
Lawrence R. Walker, Daniel B. Thompson, and Fredrick H. Landau
Habitat characteristics of leatherside chub (Gila copei) at two spatial scales
Kristine W. Wilson and Mark C. Belk
Relationships between Centaurea maculosa and indigenous plant assemblages
Susan A. Kedzie-Webb, Roger L. Sheley, John J. Borkowski, and James S. Jacobs
Mourning Dove numbers on different seral communities in the Chihuahuan Desert
Lewis Saiwana, Jerry L. Holechek, Raul Valdez, and Manuel Cardenas
The role of dietary fiber in dung size of bushy-tailed woodrats, Neotoma cinerea: its potential application to paleoclimatic interpretation
Jennifer C. Hallett and Peter E. Wigand
Taphonomy and significance of Jefferson's ground sloth (Xenarthra: Megalonychidae) from Utah
H. Gregory McDonald, Wade E. Miller, and Thomas H. Morris
Survival and development of Phoradendron californicum and Acacia greggii during a drought
Simon A. Lei
Seed banks of Bromus tectorum-dominated communities in the Great Basin
L. David Humphrey and Eugene W. Schupp
Nitrogen acquisition from different spatial distributions by six Great Basin plant species
Sara E. Duke and Martyn M. Caldwell
Shrews of the La Sal Mountains, southeastern Utah
Eric A. Rickart and Lawrence R. Heaney
Scatter-hoarding behavior of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Stephen B. Vander Wall, Theodore C. Thayer, Jennifer S. Hodge, Maurie J. Beck, and Julie K. Roth
Microhabitat partitioning by two chipmunk species (Tamias) in western Colorado
J. Jeffrey Root, Charles H. Calisher, and Barry J. Beaty
Post-breeding season movements of Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) in northeastern Oregon
Evelyn L. Bull and Marc P. Hayes
Accidental mass mortality of migrating mule deer
Vernon C. Bleich and Becky M. Pierce
Book Review
Biology and Management of Noxious Rangeland Weeds Roger L. Sheley and Janet K. Petroff, editors
Larry D. Howery
End Matter
Full Issue