
Submission Guidelines

Guidelines for Submissions

All submissions must be made electronically in MS Word (.doc, or docx) to Scholars Archive at http://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/rmmra.

Authors will be informed of the disposition of their submissions within three months of receipt. Use The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.). The author’s name must not appear within the text. All articles must include a short abstract (200 words maximum) before the main text, and a bibliography of works cited at the end. Documentation: Quidditas uses footnotes. No endnotes or parenthetical citations, please. Since submissions must include a full bibliography, all footnotes, including the first footnote reference, should use abbreviated author, title, and page. For example: Bibliographical entry—Nirenberg, David. Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. First and subsequent footnotes—Nirenberg, Communities of Violence, 22-24. Do not use ibid. Subsequent references to the same work should continue the use of abbreviated author, title, and page number.