

Editor-in-Chief: Ginger Smoak, University of Utah
Associate Editor: Steven Hrdlicka, Great Basin College

Quidditas, the annual, online journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association invites submissions from all aspects of medieval and Renaissance or early modern disciplines: art, literature, history, music, philosophy, religion, languages, rhetoric, Islamic and New World cultures, global regions, comparative and interdisciplinary studies. Online format enables extensive illustrations. Since there is no subscription fee, Quidditas is easily available from any computer.

See the Aims and Scope for more information about the journal.

Current Volume: Volume 44 (2023) Volume 44 (2023)


This volume is dedicated to James H. Forse.

Full Issue

Front Matter


In Memoriam: James H. Forse
Ginger Smoak, Steven Hrdlicka, Jennifer McNabb, Charles Smith, and Margaret Harp



Text and Teaching


The Imperative of Student Integration in Faculty Research Projects: A Pedagogical Case Study in Digital History
Roger L. Martinez-Davila, Fernando Feliu-Moggi, Sean Wybrant, Ian Torres, and Spencer Miles