Open Water Journal | Journals | Brigham Young University
Open Water Journal

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We are currently accepting submissions for the next issue of Open Water Journal™! If you are a researcher in the water science domain and have an original research paper, case study, software introduction, or dataset description that you would like to publish, we invite you to submit it to be considered for publication in our next issue!

Current Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1 (2021)



Design and Development of a Web Mapping Prototype for Participatory Water Quality Mapping
Austin Adkison, John D. Morgan, Dallas Snider, and Matthew Schwartz


Drought in the West: Embedded Water Demand Stationarity Compromises System Vulnerability Analysis
Ryan C. Johnson, Margaret Wolf, Logan Jamison, Steven Burian, Carlos A. Oroza, Paul D. Brooks, Courtenay Strong, Jesse Stewart, and Tracie Kirkham


Connecting Space to Village by Predicting Algae Contamination in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala
Alma Meyer, Jorge Luis Sánchez Lozano, Jim Nelson, and Africa Flores


Hydroviewer: A Web Application to Localize Global Hydrologic Forecasts
Kyler R. Ashby, Riley Chad Hales, Jim Nelson, Daniel P. Ames, and Gustavious P. Williams