"Drought in the West: Embedded Water Demand Stationarity Compromises Sy" by Ryan C. Johnson, Margaret Wolf et al.


Water System Analysis, Stationarity, System Dynamic Modeling, Drought, Climate


Hydrological drought is challenging managers of western U.S. snowpack-dependent urban water systems. Snowpack, reservoir storage, streamflow dynamics, and demand are routinely assessed to guide water system management and operations, assuming per-capita demand stationarity. Using the Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities and two drought scenarios, we investigate water system vulnerability differences between unchanging industry per-capita forecasting methods and dynamic demands driven by hydro-climate-demand relationships. The introduction of dynamic demands estimates a 42% reduction in system vulnerability during supply limiting conditions than the industry methods. These modeled water use behaviors also suggest a reduction in the peak timing and volume (September 2nd, 55MGD vs August 2nd, 89MGD), duration (114 days vs 144 days), and seasonal volume (16,000ac-ft vs 25,000ac-ft) of out-of-district supply requests during extreme drought conditions. By relying on forecasts embedded with per-capita demand stationarity assumptions, large and unlikely system vulnerabilities can misinform management's operational actions.

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