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Publication Date

Winter 4-23-2018


By the time Ford Madox Ford published “The Saddest Story,” his name still was Ford Madox Hueffer. He changed his name because it sounded too German; in fact, his father was a German.Ford Madox Ford, we see, was not a careless man; he took things seriously, giving up on his name to fit in society best. He was in close relationship to a lot of important people, Russian politicians, among them, famous authors such as Wells; he was not an average citizen with average acquaintances. Again, we could say Ford was never a conformist; as we look at his work, we should consider deeply his ideals and the things that happened in his life as part of his works. “The Saddest Story,” therefore, is a reflection of Ford’s agoraphobic crisis and other sicknesses, his instable sentimental life and his respect-critique toward the military.
