Volume 9, Number 1 (2000)
From the Editor's Desk
Mickey Dove
"The Researcher's Lot Is Not an' Appy One'"
Andrew Farkas
I Dub Thee
Cantor Don Goldberg
The Life and Art of Jussi Bjorling
Enrique Gilardoni
Jussi and "Amor ti vieta"
William C. Clayton
A Charmless Jussi?
Cantor Don Goldberg
The Naxos Bjorling
William C. Clayton
Wonderful Memories
Ruth Broadly and Gerry Broadly
It Became Cold ...
Kerstin Meyer
The King in the Realm of Song
Birgit Nilsson
"Please Mr. Bjorling, May I Use Your Christian Name?''
Elisabeth Soderstrom
On a Desert Island With Jussi
William C. Clayton
Test Your Knowledge
Tom Hines
Some Thoughts about Jussi Bjoerling: Notes to the LP Rococo No. 5304 "Jussi Bjoerling Volume V"
Helen E. Hatton
Shall We Show Them?
Howard Taubman