The Journal of the Jussi Björling Societies of the USA and UK is a magazine funded and produced by the membership of the Jussi Björling Society - USA.
It contains scholarly articles about Jussi Björling and other great singers, past and present. It also includes news and announcements of upcoming musical events and projects of the Society and of related organizations; reviews and reports of CDs, books and musical events; and anecdotes and memories of Jussi enthusiasts. For more information about the Society, please visit https://jussibjorlingsociety.org/.Current Issue: Volume 29, Number 1 (2021)
From the President
Janel E. Lundgren
The Jussi Björling Museum closed after 26 years
Harald Henrysson
Stockholm Headline: The Jussi Björling Museum will be closed down: “It’s sad that there is so little pride in father there.”
Carl-Henric Malmgren
A Remarkable Treasure Trove of Recordings
Ken Meltzer
Björling Concerts in Immortal Performances Set
Kristian Krogholm
Companion Translation Coming for Jussi Björling, en minnesbok
Janel E. Lundgren
JBS-USA Chicago Conference Postponed to 2022
Janel E. Lundgren
Giorgio Tozzi Remembers Jussi Björling
Walter B. Rudolph
Jussi Björling on the Opera Stage: A statistic survey
Harald Henrysson
Hanna Hedman, 1934–2020
Harald Henrysson
A Memory of Jussi Björling
George Shelby Weaver