Volume 10, Number 1 (2000)
From the Editor's Desk
Mickey Dove
Our Mini-conference in NYC: Postponed!
Bill Clayton, Mickey Dove, Bill Dove, Tom Hines, and Dan Shea
The Golden Voices: Caruso To Callas
Yoel L. Arbeitman
Erik Saeden Visits the Jussi Bjorling Museum
Lars Hemmingsson
Kung Heimer Och Aslog - A Jussi Bjorling Mystery Song
Ellen L. Lienhard
The Voice That Stopped A War
Jack Allott
JB Analogies: Same Recordings - Different Voices
Kristian Krogholm
JB Websites: An Introduction
William C. Clayton
Twenty-Five Years With Jussi
Helmer Enwall
He Generously Filled His Horn Of Plenty With Beautiful Tone
Johannes Norrby
A British Voice
Joseph Hislop
The Desert Isle Redux
William C. Clayton
Test Your Knowledge
Tom Hines
The Original Three Tenors
Dan Shea