"Instructional Materials for STAC 139 Course" by Jesse Welsh


Experiential learning, running, pacing, physical education


Every semester, nearly 150 undergraduate and graduate students enroll in STAC 139 courses at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. This course, initially aimed to inspire physical activity and wellness in BYU students interested in running, has evolved and matured in its objectives as new instructors have made alterations to the course in both structure, content, and execution as they have worked within loose-fitting parameters.

This evolution has brought with it a tension between the objectives of the STAC 139 instructors and the legacy elements of the course provided to them from the STAC organization. Recognizing this tension, the project aimed to relieve this tension by providing an instructors manual that could: (1) harmonize the objectives of the STAC 139 instructors and the existing, historical elements of the course and (2) provide specific information and resources to STAC 139 instructors to meet their objectives. In addition to the instructors manual, additional resources were created to help STAC 139 instructors develop the skill of pacing in their students.

Project Type

Design/Development Project

Publication Date



David O. McKay School of Education


Instructional Psychology and Technology



Master's Project or PhD Project

Masters Project

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Additional Files

Teachers Manual - 8.5x11.docx (2408 kB)
Instructors Manual
