BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: The SaferPLACES cloud-web platform for mapping fluvial, pluvial and coastal flood risk in urban areas: Rimini and Cologne case studies

Presenter/Author Information

Stefano Bagli, GECOsistema Srl, italy


Flood Risk, Climate Adaptation, Cloud, Pluvial, Coastal

Start Date

15-9-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

15-9-2020 9:20 AM


The total reported economic losses in European Union (EU) from weather and climate-related extremes over 1980-2017 amounted to 453 billion Euro. Floods are responsible for 40% of these losses and together with storms denote the major natural hazard type in terms of economic damage. The increase in frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation and storms events caused by the changing climate combined with the high population density and concentration of assets makes urban areas particularly vulnerable to pluvial flooding, hence, assessing their vulnerability under current and future climate scenarios is of paramount importance. City planners, engineers and scientists race to find new ways for people to shape cities as climate change threatens increased heavy flooding, dangerous weather conditions and extreme storm surges. In the framework of EIT-Climate KIC SaferPLACES ( project, we present an innovative cloud-based web mapping platform able to provide resource-effective (cost/time) data and modeling tools for mapping pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood risk in our cities. SaferPLACES web platform aims to democratise the availability of mapping flood hazards and risks tools among a wider audience of potential end-users and supporting them in short and long-term climate adaptation management decisions in urban areas. In particular the service is designed to: (i) identify and assess flood risk mitigation measures and plans, (ii) support climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies, (iii) foster multi-stakeholder agreements and partnership for resilience building. The platform’s core embeds simplified climate, hydraulic, remote-sensing, and economic modelling techniques to assess and map pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood hazard and risk in urban environments under current and future climates, mainly basing on high resolution Lidar raster analyses and resorting to openly available data. We present the SaferPLACES’s platform characteristics and innovations troughs the application to two pilots cities: Rimini in Italy and Cologne in Germany.

Stream and Session



Sep 15th, 9:00 AM Sep 15th, 9:20 AM

The SaferPLACES cloud-web platform for mapping fluvial, pluvial and coastal flood risk in urban areas: Rimini and Cologne case studies

The total reported economic losses in European Union (EU) from weather and climate-related extremes over 1980-2017 amounted to 453 billion Euro. Floods are responsible for 40% of these losses and together with storms denote the major natural hazard type in terms of economic damage. The increase in frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation and storms events caused by the changing climate combined with the high population density and concentration of assets makes urban areas particularly vulnerable to pluvial flooding, hence, assessing their vulnerability under current and future climate scenarios is of paramount importance. City planners, engineers and scientists race to find new ways for people to shape cities as climate change threatens increased heavy flooding, dangerous weather conditions and extreme storm surges. In the framework of EIT-Climate KIC SaferPLACES ( project, we present an innovative cloud-based web mapping platform able to provide resource-effective (cost/time) data and modeling tools for mapping pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood risk in our cities. SaferPLACES web platform aims to democratise the availability of mapping flood hazards and risks tools among a wider audience of potential end-users and supporting them in short and long-term climate adaptation management decisions in urban areas. In particular the service is designed to: (i) identify and assess flood risk mitigation measures and plans, (ii) support climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies, (iii) foster multi-stakeholder agreements and partnership for resilience building. The platform’s core embeds simplified climate, hydraulic, remote-sensing, and economic modelling techniques to assess and map pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood hazard and risk in urban environments under current and future climates, mainly basing on high resolution Lidar raster analyses and resorting to openly available data. We present the SaferPLACES’s platform characteristics and innovations troughs the application to two pilots cities: Rimini in Italy and Cologne in Germany.