
Fact finding, process orchestration, qualitative modeling, quantitative modeling, survey

Start Date

25-6-2018 9:00 AM

End Date

25-6-2018 10:20 AM


Choosing the right method and tool for the problem we face is always important in modeling, and especially so in participatory modeling (PM). Two years ago, in 2016, an IEMSS workshop was conducted where we came up with some recommendations on how to navigate among the many existing methods to make sure that the most appropriate ones are chosen in PM projects. As a result of these discussions, work was started on a position paper, which took almost two years and resulted in a systematic overview, assessment, and categorization of methods used in PM. Based on expert opinion and a survey of modelers engaged in participatory processes, it offers practical guidelines for facilitating decisions about method selection at different stages of the participatory modeling process. Moreover, a web portal has been created (, were methods can be presented, evaluated, and assessed. We expect that this can assist modelers and stakeholders in making appropriate choices of methods in different PM applications.

Stream and Session



Jun 25th, 9:00 AM Jun 25th, 10:20 AM

Tools and methods in participatory modeling

Choosing the right method and tool for the problem we face is always important in modeling, and especially so in participatory modeling (PM). Two years ago, in 2016, an IEMSS workshop was conducted where we came up with some recommendations on how to navigate among the many existing methods to make sure that the most appropriate ones are chosen in PM projects. As a result of these discussions, work was started on a position paper, which took almost two years and resulted in a systematic overview, assessment, and categorization of methods used in PM. Based on expert opinion and a survey of modelers engaged in participatory processes, it offers practical guidelines for facilitating decisions about method selection at different stages of the participatory modeling process. Moreover, a web portal has been created (, were methods can be presented, evaluated, and assessed. We expect that this can assist modelers and stakeholders in making appropriate choices of methods in different PM applications.