A Watershed Delineation Tool for Interconnected Hydrological Response Units (HRUs) to Support Distributed Modeling


Hydrological Responce Units, Distributed Watershed Model

Start Date

27-6-2018 10:40 AM

End Date

27-6-2018 12:00 PM


Delineating a watershed area into discrete areas (e.g. Hydrological Response Units HRUs) with parameter attribute tables is essential to generate input parameter sets for distributed hydrological models. This presentation will introduce a generic methodology of such a delineation process and services workflow for the Agricultural Ecosystems Services (AgES) watershed model. Here, Digital Elevation Model raster data are processed for the topology of flow paths, then combined with raster layer of land use, soils, and hydrogeology to generate HRU patterns for a watershed area. Based on the pattern of HRUs, the web service analyzes a topological routing scheme that allows multiple-flow directions and interactions between neighboring HRUs. The resulting HRU information is used to automatically generate input files for the AgES distributed watershed model. The tool is open source, available to the scientific community, and implemented using Catena, an emerging platform based on the eRAMS and CSIP frameworks providing scalable geospatial analyses, collaboration, and model service capabilities. Seamless integration of (1) generating spatial model parameters, (2) connecting input data, (3) executing the model, and (4) model result analyses will be presented with a strong focus on the workflow aspect of Catena. The HRU delineation tool can be adapted to other models such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+).

Stream and Session

A3: Simulation, Optimization, and Metamodelling: Tradeoffs of Speed, Resource Utilization, and Accuracy

A4: Model Integration Frameworks: A Discussion of Typologies, Standards, Languages, and Platforms

A5: Leveraging Cloud computing, Containerization, and Microservices for Environmental Modelling Software Deployment

I'm putting this in A5 - dpa

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Jun 27th, 10:40 AM Jun 27th, 12:00 PM

A Watershed Delineation Tool for Interconnected Hydrological Response Units (HRUs) to Support Distributed Modeling

Delineating a watershed area into discrete areas (e.g. Hydrological Response Units HRUs) with parameter attribute tables is essential to generate input parameter sets for distributed hydrological models. This presentation will introduce a generic methodology of such a delineation process and services workflow for the Agricultural Ecosystems Services (AgES) watershed model. Here, Digital Elevation Model raster data are processed for the topology of flow paths, then combined with raster layer of land use, soils, and hydrogeology to generate HRU patterns for a watershed area. Based on the pattern of HRUs, the web service analyzes a topological routing scheme that allows multiple-flow directions and interactions between neighboring HRUs. The resulting HRU information is used to automatically generate input files for the AgES distributed watershed model. The tool is open source, available to the scientific community, and implemented using Catena, an emerging platform based on the eRAMS and CSIP frameworks providing scalable geospatial analyses, collaboration, and model service capabilities. Seamless integration of (1) generating spatial model parameters, (2) connecting input data, (3) executing the model, and (4) model result analyses will be presented with a strong focus on the workflow aspect of Catena. The HRU delineation tool can be adapted to other models such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+).