Geoscience model coupling in a Python framework: PyMT


python coupling framework csdms bmi

Start Date

26-6-2018 9:00 AM

End Date

26-6-2018 10:20 AM


The current landscape of geoscience models is broad not only in scientific scope, but also in type. On one hand, the variety of models is exciting, as it provides fertile ground for extending or linking models to answer scientific questions. On the other hand, models are written in a variety of programming languages, operate on different grids, use their own file formats (both for input and output), have different user interfaces, have their own time steps, etc; each of these factors become obstructions to scientists wanting to couple, extend--or simply run--existing models. And all this is before the scientific difficulties of coupling or running models are addressed.

The Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) is developing the Python Modeling Toolkit (PyMT) to help non-computer scientists deal with these sorts of modeling logistics. PyMT is the fundamental package CSDMS uses for running and coupling models that expose a Basic Modeling Interface (BMI). PyMT contains:

  • Tools for coupling models of disparate time and space scales (including grid mappers)
  • Time-steppers that coordinate the sequencing of coupled models
  • Data exchangers between models
  • Wrappers that automatically load models into the PyMT framework
  • Utilities that support open-source interfaces (UGRID, SGRID, CSDMS Standard Names, etc.)
  • A plug-in architecture for adding additional models to the framework

Here, we introduce the basics of current beta version of PyMT and provide an example of coupling models of different domains and grid types.

Stream and Session

A4: Model Integration Frameworks: A Discussion of Typologies, Standards, Languages, and Platforms

This document is currently not available here.


Jun 26th, 9:00 AM Jun 26th, 10:20 AM

Geoscience model coupling in a Python framework: PyMT

The current landscape of geoscience models is broad not only in scientific scope, but also in type. On one hand, the variety of models is exciting, as it provides fertile ground for extending or linking models to answer scientific questions. On the other hand, models are written in a variety of programming languages, operate on different grids, use their own file formats (both for input and output), have different user interfaces, have their own time steps, etc; each of these factors become obstructions to scientists wanting to couple, extend--or simply run--existing models. And all this is before the scientific difficulties of coupling or running models are addressed.

The Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) is developing the Python Modeling Toolkit (PyMT) to help non-computer scientists deal with these sorts of modeling logistics. PyMT is the fundamental package CSDMS uses for running and coupling models that expose a Basic Modeling Interface (BMI). PyMT contains:

  • Tools for coupling models of disparate time and space scales (including grid mappers)
  • Time-steppers that coordinate the sequencing of coupled models
  • Data exchangers between models
  • Wrappers that automatically load models into the PyMT framework
  • Utilities that support open-source interfaces (UGRID, SGRID, CSDMS Standard Names, etc.)
  • A plug-in architecture for adding additional models to the framework

Here, we introduce the basics of current beta version of PyMT and provide an example of coupling models of different domains and grid types.