
European Water Framework Directive, River Sinuosity, Data Quality


Session D4: Water Resource Management and Planning - Modelling and Software for Improving Decisions and Engaging Stakeholders

Start Date

11-7-2016 5:50 PM

End Date

11-7-2016 6:10 PM


According to the European Water Framework Directive the member states are committed to prove the good ecological status of all water bodies. These requirements are verified by a regular monitoring. Especially the use of remote sensing data and methods of applied geoinformatics and statistics can be recommended for the monitoring of several hydromorphological parameters. At the same time for some single parameters basic geodata provided by local authorities are available (e.g. river centrelines). In this study the quality of these basic geodata is compared with self-extracted results using different remote sensing data sources (CIR-orthophoto, digital terrain model). The results reveal a mean deviation of approximately 3 m regarding the true course of the chosen test water body. But also deviations of up to 20 m occur. Especially in sections of strong river sinuosity these deviations particularly increase. Furthermore it can be shown that the use of low quality river centrelines can have a direct impact on the determination of parameters of the water body structure. It can be demonstrated that with regard to the single parameter of sinuosity the assessment of a stretch of water tends to underestimation.


Jul 11th, 5:50 PM Jul 11th, 6:10 PM

Analysing the error potential of administrative data in determining the sinuosity of small rivers

Session D4: Water Resource Management and Planning - Modelling and Software for Improving Decisions and Engaging Stakeholders

According to the European Water Framework Directive the member states are committed to prove the good ecological status of all water bodies. These requirements are verified by a regular monitoring. Especially the use of remote sensing data and methods of applied geoinformatics and statistics can be recommended for the monitoring of several hydromorphological parameters. At the same time for some single parameters basic geodata provided by local authorities are available (e.g. river centrelines). In this study the quality of these basic geodata is compared with self-extracted results using different remote sensing data sources (CIR-orthophoto, digital terrain model). The results reveal a mean deviation of approximately 3 m regarding the true course of the chosen test water body. But also deviations of up to 20 m occur. Especially in sections of strong river sinuosity these deviations particularly increase. Furthermore it can be shown that the use of low quality river centrelines can have a direct impact on the determination of parameters of the water body structure. It can be demonstrated that with regard to the single parameter of sinuosity the assessment of a stretch of water tends to underestimation.