Presenter/Author Information

Jonas Sevcik, Masaryk UniversityFollow


Bluetooth beacon; iBeacon; beacon network; indoor localization.


Session D3: Advances in Environmental - Decision Support - Software Systems

Start Date

12-7-2016 8:30 AM

End Date

12-7-2016 8:50 AM


This research addresses assessment of Bluetooth Low Energy beacon based sensor networks used indoors for navigation or localization purposes, e.g. for fire brigade or during emergency evacuation. The objective of this research is to evaluate suitability of beacon technology in the terms of overall stability and precision. We focused on commercially highly deployed beacon brand Estimote, for usage in such network infrastructures. These beacons were tested in a real field deployment conditions, with focus on radiated signal quality and its spreading. Test measurements were made by iOS based smartphones to evaluate precision of user localization. Furthermore, beacons were tested in a semi-anechoic chamber for radiated emission measurements comparison. Other tests include signal strength degradation over traveled distance, received signal strength comparison across device models, framework distance estimate evaluation, and beacon placement position significance to signal strength quality. Gathered results show unsuitability of Bluetooth based beacon network systems for precise indoor navigation. This conclusion is important mainly for calling attention to flaws and latent risks related with usage of this technology, since current research and use cases were over-positively influenced by hype from the side of vendors of beacon technologies.


Jul 12th, 8:30 AM Jul 12th, 8:50 AM

Bluetooth Beacon Network Suitability for Crisis Management

Session D3: Advances in Environmental - Decision Support - Software Systems

This research addresses assessment of Bluetooth Low Energy beacon based sensor networks used indoors for navigation or localization purposes, e.g. for fire brigade or during emergency evacuation. The objective of this research is to evaluate suitability of beacon technology in the terms of overall stability and precision. We focused on commercially highly deployed beacon brand Estimote, for usage in such network infrastructures. These beacons were tested in a real field deployment conditions, with focus on radiated signal quality and its spreading. Test measurements were made by iOS based smartphones to evaluate precision of user localization. Furthermore, beacons were tested in a semi-anechoic chamber for radiated emission measurements comparison. Other tests include signal strength degradation over traveled distance, received signal strength comparison across device models, framework distance estimate evaluation, and beacon placement position significance to signal strength quality. Gathered results show unsuitability of Bluetooth based beacon network systems for precise indoor navigation. This conclusion is important mainly for calling attention to flaws and latent risks related with usage of this technology, since current research and use cases were over-positively influenced by hype from the side of vendors of beacon technologies.