
Massive parallel computing; Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis; Structural change; Land markets; Farm succession


Session B2: Advances in Agricultural Modelling

Start Date

11-7-2016 9:50 AM

End Date

11-7-2016 10:10 AM


MPMAS is a software package for farm-level and agent-based simulation in agriculture that has been applied to a variety of agro-economic and bioeconomic case studies around the world in the last twenty years. We present recent advances to the software and its application that focus on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, massive parallel computing, land market interactions and farm succession. These extensions improve the applicability of agent-based simulation for ex ante assessments of climate adaptation in agriculture.


Jul 11th, 9:50 AM Jul 11th, 10:10 AM

Advances in probabilistic and parallel agent-based simulation: Modelling climate change adaptation in agriculture

Session B2: Advances in Agricultural Modelling

MPMAS is a software package for farm-level and agent-based simulation in agriculture that has been applied to a variety of agro-economic and bioeconomic case studies around the world in the last twenty years. We present recent advances to the software and its application that focus on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, massive parallel computing, land market interactions and farm succession. These extensions improve the applicability of agent-based simulation for ex ante assessments of climate adaptation in agriculture.