BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Use of a One-Dimensional Link-Node Model to Develop Total Maximum Daily Load Strategies for the San Joaquin River Estuary


Water quality; TMDL; dissolved oxygen; eutrophication; waste load allocation


Session H2: Water Resources Management and Planning - Modeling and Software for Improving Decisions and Engaging Stakeholders

Start Date

18-6-2014 9:00 AM

End Date

18-6-2014 10:20 AM


A one-dimensional link-node model was used to simulate water quality conditions in the tidally­-influenced, deep water ship channel (DWSC) of the San Joaquin River located in Central California. The DWSC has been plagued with low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions for decades and is currently a focus of restoration efforts. The model was calibrated using a six-year flow and water quality data set. Model simulations were run by removing the mass loads of each of the following major sources of oxygen depletion to determine the effects: elimination of the deepened ship channel (i.e., restore to its pre­ existing depth), elimination of import of oxygen-demanding substances (ODS) from the San Joaquin River watershed, elimination of import of ODS from the urban tributaries, and elimination of discharge of ODS from the City of Stockton regional wastewater control facility. The model results suggest that elimination of the deepened ship channel resulted in the best projected improvement relative to the modelled baseline with a predicted 55% improvement, while reducing ODS from the watershed would likely cause a 44% improvement. These results demonstrate that there are multiple contributing factors causing low DO in the DWSC and that removal or elimination of any single variable will not result in a complete resolution of low DO events.


Jun 18th, 9:00 AM Jun 18th, 10:20 AM

Use of a One-Dimensional Link-Node Model to Develop Total Maximum Daily Load Strategies for the San Joaquin River Estuary

Session H2: Water Resources Management and Planning - Modeling and Software for Improving Decisions and Engaging Stakeholders

A one-dimensional link-node model was used to simulate water quality conditions in the tidally­-influenced, deep water ship channel (DWSC) of the San Joaquin River located in Central California. The DWSC has been plagued with low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions for decades and is currently a focus of restoration efforts. The model was calibrated using a six-year flow and water quality data set. Model simulations were run by removing the mass loads of each of the following major sources of oxygen depletion to determine the effects: elimination of the deepened ship channel (i.e., restore to its pre­ existing depth), elimination of import of oxygen-demanding substances (ODS) from the San Joaquin River watershed, elimination of import of ODS from the urban tributaries, and elimination of discharge of ODS from the City of Stockton regional wastewater control facility. The model results suggest that elimination of the deepened ship channel resulted in the best projected improvement relative to the modelled baseline with a predicted 55% improvement, while reducing ODS from the watershed would likely cause a 44% improvement. These results demonstrate that there are multiple contributing factors causing low DO in the DWSC and that removal or elimination of any single variable will not result in a complete resolution of low DO events.