BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Linking water resource network models to an open data management platform


model platform, water management models, integrated modeling, open source


Session B1: Research Infrastructures for Integrated Environmental Modeling

Start Date

16-6-2014 9:00 AM

End Date

16-6-2014 10:20 AM


The development of models for complex water resources systems frequently involves cus- tomising model formulations to fit unique institutional or physical problems. Linking existing model components is part of this process. As an alternative to pre-packaged models or building models based on components that comply to the same standard interface we present a model platform where network resource models (water, energy, transport, etc.) are linked to a data manager in a generic way. A modular architecture is achieved using a server for data storage. Clients connecting to the server, called Apps, provide import and export functions from and to various data formats. An App can also run models based on data retrieved from the server. As every component of an integrated model inter- acts only with the server, each component can be replaced easily. Model results and underlying input data are stored in one consistent database. This ensures that model results can be stored efficiently and reused in future modelling or analysis. The software hopes to allow researchers, consultants and decision-makers to rely on a common data management platform for the modelling, the planning and management of resource networks.


Jun 16th, 9:00 AM Jun 16th, 10:20 AM

Linking water resource network models to an open data management platform

Session B1: Research Infrastructures for Integrated Environmental Modeling

The development of models for complex water resources systems frequently involves cus- tomising model formulations to fit unique institutional or physical problems. Linking existing model components is part of this process. As an alternative to pre-packaged models or building models based on components that comply to the same standard interface we present a model platform where network resource models (water, energy, transport, etc.) are linked to a data manager in a generic way. A modular architecture is achieved using a server for data storage. Clients connecting to the server, called Apps, provide import and export functions from and to various data formats. An App can also run models based on data retrieved from the server. As every component of an integrated model inter- acts only with the server, each component can be replaced easily. Model results and underlying input data are stored in one consistent database. This ensures that model results can be stored efficiently and reused in future modelling or analysis. The software hopes to allow researchers, consultants and decision-makers to rely on a common data management platform for the modelling, the planning and management of resource networks.