Presenter/Author Information

Nikolay Zavalishin


carbon and nitrogen cycle, wetland, spruce forest, dynamic systems, equilibrium, stability, bifurcation, climate change impact

Start Date

1-7-2012 12:00 AM


Reaction of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change and human perturbations can be complex and uncertain. It is reflected in changes of ecosystem biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen. For wetland and spruce forest ecosystems of boreal forest area in European territory of Russia and Western Siberia the series of compartment models for combined carbon-nitrogen cycle dynamics is developed and analyzed. The models are realized in several software modules allowing make estimates of stability boundaries for equilibria, trajectories of ecosystem dynamics under climate change and perturbations initiated by human activities.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Model Components for Evaluating Climate Change Impact on Wetlands

Reaction of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change and human perturbations can be complex and uncertain. It is reflected in changes of ecosystem biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen. For wetland and spruce forest ecosystems of boreal forest area in European territory of Russia and Western Siberia the series of compartment models for combined carbon-nitrogen cycle dynamics is developed and analyzed. The models are realized in several software modules allowing make estimates of stability boundaries for equilibria, trajectories of ecosystem dynamics under climate change and perturbations initiated by human activities.