
web-gis based dss, biomass, bio-energy plant

Start Date

1-7-2012 12:00 AM


energy exploitation of biomass for energy purposes, is an extremely current noteworthy theme and even more it will be so in the near future, due to the foreseen strong increase in the biomass contribution to thermal RES (Renewable Energy Sources) targets, within the framework of 2020 European Climate Action. BIOPOLE ( – click on BIOPOLE icon) is the WebGIS based DSS (Decision Support System) developed in the BioEnerGIS “IEE” (Intelligent Energy for Europe) project and aimed at defining the sustainable energy exploitation of biomass resources at regional level. BIOPOLE, on the base of regional input, finds online the optimal solution in terms of power, fuel and localization of the new biomass plants feeding district heating network.Department for Environment, Energy and Technology Grids of Lombardy Region is the coordinator of the project and one of the regional decision makers to whom BIOPOLE is targeted. The basic concept behind BIOPOLE methodology is the expectation to match, at community or district level, energy (heat) demand and biomass availability, by identifying potential bio-energy plants in terms of capacity, biofuel supply and localization. Thus, BIOPOLE, on the basis of different regional data layers, identifies opportunities for new biomass based district heating systems by assessing the optimal solutions which would minimise biomass supply transportation and maximise biomass-into-energy conversion and energy (heat) distribution to end-users. Besides, taking into account sustainability criteria, the system allows to define a not-purely-economic ranking of the identified options.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

BIOPOLE: WebGIS-based Decision Support System (DSS) in bio-energy plant localization

energy exploitation of biomass for energy purposes, is an extremely current noteworthy theme and even more it will be so in the near future, due to the foreseen strong increase in the biomass contribution to thermal RES (Renewable Energy Sources) targets, within the framework of 2020 European Climate Action. BIOPOLE ( – click on BIOPOLE icon) is the WebGIS based DSS (Decision Support System) developed in the BioEnerGIS “IEE” (Intelligent Energy for Europe) project and aimed at defining the sustainable energy exploitation of biomass resources at regional level. BIOPOLE, on the base of regional input, finds online the optimal solution in terms of power, fuel and localization of the new biomass plants feeding district heating network.Department for Environment, Energy and Technology Grids of Lombardy Region is the coordinator of the project and one of the regional decision makers to whom BIOPOLE is targeted. The basic concept behind BIOPOLE methodology is the expectation to match, at community or district level, energy (heat) demand and biomass availability, by identifying potential bio-energy plants in terms of capacity, biofuel supply and localization. Thus, BIOPOLE, on the basis of different regional data layers, identifies opportunities for new biomass based district heating systems by assessing the optimal solutions which would minimise biomass supply transportation and maximise biomass-into-energy conversion and energy (heat) distribution to end-users. Besides, taking into account sustainability criteria, the system allows to define a not-purely-economic ranking of the identified options.