ecohydrological modelling, oms3, wofost, hydrus, integration
Start Date
1-7-2012 12:00 AM
Modelling integration using the component-based and modular approach has become an effective method to understand the critical component interactions and processes in complicated natural systems. This study developed an integrated eco-hydrological model using Object Modelling System 3 (OMS3) to improve water resources utilization and predict crop production in local agricultural management. In the integrated eco-hydrological model, the crop growth model, WOFOST, and the hydrological model, HYDRUS-1D were coupled into the OMS3 framework. The parameters optimization, uncertainty analysis/sensitivity analysis (UA/SA), data assimilation were conducted through creating and configuring model simulation by the simulating Domain Specific Language (DSL) in the OMS3. The integrated model was validated by real irrigated-wheat experimental studies in the middle reaches of the Heihe River, which located in semi-arid and arid region of northwest China. Good agreements were achieved between the simulated and observed values of the evapotranspiration, soil moisture and crop production under wheat crop. The shuffled complex evolution optimization method (SCE) was tested to identify the soil hydraulic parameters and improve simulating soil moisture profile.
Integrated Eco-hydrological Modelling by a Combination of Coupled-model and Algorithm Using OMS3
Modelling integration using the component-based and modular approach has become an effective method to understand the critical component interactions and processes in complicated natural systems. This study developed an integrated eco-hydrological model using Object Modelling System 3 (OMS3) to improve water resources utilization and predict crop production in local agricultural management. In the integrated eco-hydrological model, the crop growth model, WOFOST, and the hydrological model, HYDRUS-1D were coupled into the OMS3 framework. The parameters optimization, uncertainty analysis/sensitivity analysis (UA/SA), data assimilation were conducted through creating and configuring model simulation by the simulating Domain Specific Language (DSL) in the OMS3. The integrated model was validated by real irrigated-wheat experimental studies in the middle reaches of the Heihe River, which located in semi-arid and arid region of northwest China. Good agreements were achieved between the simulated and observed values of the evapotranspiration, soil moisture and crop production under wheat crop. The shuffled complex evolution optimization method (SCE) was tested to identify the soil hydraulic parameters and improve simulating soil moisture profile.