Presenter/Author Information

Pao-Shan Yu
Hung-Wei Tseng
Shien-Tsung Chen


climate change, downscaling methods, hydrologic drought

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


This work aims to investigate the impacts of hydrologic drought on agriculturalwater resources under climate change scenarios. The study area is Tseng-Wen Reservoirbasin in southern Taiwan, which receives temporally uneven precipitation. It is thus a basinprone to suffer from drought during dry season. General circulation models (GCMs) are themain tool to tackle climate change issues through the help of prescribed scenarios. Thiswork used several approaches, including spatial downscaling, temporal downscaling andhydrologic model, to solve the coarse-resolution problem of GCMs and then to analyze theeffect of climate change in the study area. The following are important findings: (1)According to future climate projections, droughts may become more frequent (hereafterreferred to as scenario droughts), but their duration and magnitude may become morediverse than those of the baseline droughts. (2) The times of start and end of scenariodroughts may occur earlier than those of baseline droughts. (3) Scenario low flow duringthe dry period tends to decrease in January and February, but to increase in March andApril. (4) Moderate adjustment of irrigation period to adapt to climate change is suggested.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture Water Resources for Paddy Rice over Southern Taiwan

This work aims to investigate the impacts of hydrologic drought on agriculturalwater resources under climate change scenarios. The study area is Tseng-Wen Reservoirbasin in southern Taiwan, which receives temporally uneven precipitation. It is thus a basinprone to suffer from drought during dry season. General circulation models (GCMs) are themain tool to tackle climate change issues through the help of prescribed scenarios. Thiswork used several approaches, including spatial downscaling, temporal downscaling andhydrologic model, to solve the coarse-resolution problem of GCMs and then to analyze theeffect of climate change in the study area. The following are important findings: (1)According to future climate projections, droughts may become more frequent (hereafterreferred to as scenario droughts), but their duration and magnitude may become morediverse than those of the baseline droughts. (2) The times of start and end of scenariodroughts may occur earlier than those of baseline droughts. (3) Scenario low flow duringthe dry period tends to decrease in January and February, but to increase in March andApril. (4) Moderate adjustment of irrigation period to adapt to climate change is suggested.