BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Modeling freshwater uses in coastal areas – the case of Pertuis Charentais (France)


hydrology, coastal zone management, system approach, extendsim

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


The SPICOSA European Project aims at implementing a system approach framework as a tool bridging ecosystem management, definition of policy options and system dynamics. An ExtendSim numerical modeling platform is being developed to share and integrate economic, ecological and governance modules, and to assess coastal systems functioning and changes. The implementation of a hydrological model is presented as an example of generic module. It is tested and applied on the Charente catchment study site in France where the freshwater share is the core issue of coastal zone management strategy in relation to several ecological services – e.g. supply of drinkable water, support of aquatic biodiversity, carrying capacity of coastal areas for shellfish farming, water demand for agriculture. The definition of hydrological units was based on sub-basins features, management rules and agriculture demand for freshwater. A typology of agricultural activities was built to define relevant spatial units based on the type of physical environment, technical parameters, types of crops and uptake of water. Irrigation rules and decision rules regarding Crisis Minimum Flow and Target Minimum Flow are included in the model. The model will be used to simulate freshwater shortage using climatology observed during the past 20 years and scenarios of agriculture changes. Several indicators have been constructed to assess the vulnerability of the catchment area and the coastal zones to freshwater shortage


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Modeling freshwater uses in coastal areas – the case of Pertuis Charentais (France)

The SPICOSA European Project aims at implementing a system approach framework as a tool bridging ecosystem management, definition of policy options and system dynamics. An ExtendSim numerical modeling platform is being developed to share and integrate economic, ecological and governance modules, and to assess coastal systems functioning and changes. The implementation of a hydrological model is presented as an example of generic module. It is tested and applied on the Charente catchment study site in France where the freshwater share is the core issue of coastal zone management strategy in relation to several ecological services – e.g. supply of drinkable water, support of aquatic biodiversity, carrying capacity of coastal areas for shellfish farming, water demand for agriculture. The definition of hydrological units was based on sub-basins features, management rules and agriculture demand for freshwater. A typology of agricultural activities was built to define relevant spatial units based on the type of physical environment, technical parameters, types of crops and uptake of water. Irrigation rules and decision rules regarding Crisis Minimum Flow and Target Minimum Flow are included in the model. The model will be used to simulate freshwater shortage using climatology observed during the past 20 years and scenarios of agriculture changes. Several indicators have been constructed to assess the vulnerability of the catchment area and the coastal zones to freshwater shortage