Presenter/Author Information

Daryl H. Hepting


sustainability, ethics, software development

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


The acronym SOLE (Sustainable Organic Local Ethical) has been applied to food, forwhich it signifies the highest standard. In an age when sustainability has become critically importantin so many human endeavours, this paper examines the question of whether SOLE can bemeaningfully used to signify software of the highest standard. This paper examines how it mightbe possible to think of software as sustainable, organic, local, and ethical. Should environmentalsoftware, in particular, strive for this high standard? Design and development of SOLE softwareare also considered.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Design and Development of S.O.L.E. Software

The acronym SOLE (Sustainable Organic Local Ethical) has been applied to food, forwhich it signifies the highest standard. In an age when sustainability has become critically importantin so many human endeavours, this paper examines the question of whether SOLE can bemeaningfully used to signify software of the highest standard. This paper examines how it mightbe possible to think of software as sustainable, organic, local, and ethical. Should environmentalsoftware, in particular, strive for this high standard? Design and development of SOLE softwareare also considered.