Presenter/Author Information

Gennadii Donchyts
Bert Jagers


integrated modelling, environmental modelling, software framework, domain-driven design

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


Over the last two years an open modelling environment has been developed by the Dutch research institute Deltares. Main goal of the development was to create a solid software platform for running 1D, 2D and 3D environmental models. The system allows creating, storing and visualizing different types of environmental data, like time series, networks, GIS features, and other data types defined in the spatio-temporal domain. The architecture of the system, due to its modular and open design, can also support a wide range of other applications such as GIS data management, management and analysis of the hydrological data. The present version of the system makes extensive use of the open-source libraries such as SharpMap, GeoAPI, NetCDF, NHibernate, SQLite, PostSharp; some of those libraries were significantly extended and will be made freely available to the community.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

DeltaShell - an open modelling environment

Over the last two years an open modelling environment has been developed by the Dutch research institute Deltares. Main goal of the development was to create a solid software platform for running 1D, 2D and 3D environmental models. The system allows creating, storing and visualizing different types of environmental data, like time series, networks, GIS features, and other data types defined in the spatio-temporal domain. The architecture of the system, due to its modular and open design, can also support a wide range of other applications such as GIS data management, management and analysis of the hydrological data. The present version of the system makes extensive use of the open-source libraries such as SharpMap, GeoAPI, NetCDF, NHibernate, SQLite, PostSharp; some of those libraries were significantly extended and will be made freely available to the community.