BYU ScholarsArchive - International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Towards model component reuse for the design of simulation models – a case study for ICZM

Presenter/Author Information

Jean-Luc De Kok
Guy Engelen
Joachim Maes


simulation, component-based design, model library, reusability, systems analysis

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


By itself scientific specialization does not serve the needs for integrated analysis of environmental problems required to improve the linkage between science and management. Models are often very case dependent, and lack the flexibility for rapid adaptation to new or different management or policy issues. The goal of the EU-FP6 research program SPICOSA is to develop a Systems Approach Framework (SAF) for Integrated Coastal Zone management. The project uses a modeling platform based on the integration of the dynamic simulation software ExtendSim and GIS software PCRaster. The approach is supported by model libraries in which reusable Model Building Blocks (MBBs) can be stored. The goal is to design these model components in a way allowing for reusability to design new simulation models for a different problem context from scratch. Such plug-and-play model library has several advantages: models are easier to build, adapt and maintain, but designing reusable MBBs for environmental modeling is not a straightforward task. Well-designed MBBs should be complementary to each other, selfexplaining, encapsulated, robust, and meet the scientific standards. In addition, data management and the spatial dimension should be taken into consideration. The presentation will focus on the design principles of reusable MBBs and will provide some examples to explain the typical design issues and appropriate solutions.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Towards model component reuse for the design of simulation models – a case study for ICZM

By itself scientific specialization does not serve the needs for integrated analysis of environmental problems required to improve the linkage between science and management. Models are often very case dependent, and lack the flexibility for rapid adaptation to new or different management or policy issues. The goal of the EU-FP6 research program SPICOSA is to develop a Systems Approach Framework (SAF) for Integrated Coastal Zone management. The project uses a modeling platform based on the integration of the dynamic simulation software ExtendSim and GIS software PCRaster. The approach is supported by model libraries in which reusable Model Building Blocks (MBBs) can be stored. The goal is to design these model components in a way allowing for reusability to design new simulation models for a different problem context from scratch. Such plug-and-play model library has several advantages: models are easier to build, adapt and maintain, but designing reusable MBBs for environmental modeling is not a straightforward task. Well-designed MBBs should be complementary to each other, selfexplaining, encapsulated, robust, and meet the scientific standards. In addition, data management and the spatial dimension should be taken into consideration. The presentation will focus on the design principles of reusable MBBs and will provide some examples to explain the typical design issues and appropriate solutions.