Presenter/Author Information

M. A. Bek
I. S. Lowndes
D. M. Hargreaves


hydrodynamic modelling, shallow water lakes, lake el-manzala, fvcom

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


This paper presents the preliminary results of the application of the ocean model (FVCOM)to replicate the hydrodynamic flows experienced within Lake El-Manzala, Egypt. Theconstruction of this model is used to characterize the ecosystem of this shallow brackishlake and assess a range of sustainable water management strategies. Lake El-Manzala is thelargest of the Egyptian shallow coastal lakes on the fringe of the Mediterranean Sea. Thelake currently supports 30% of the fresh water fish farm production of Egypt. In recentyears the aquatic health of the lake has significantly deteriorated due to an increase in thecontamination of the lake by polluted inflows and over intensive aquaculture. The focus ofthis study is to develop a model that may be employed to investigate the causes, effects andpotential solutions to the pollutant loads imposed on the lake. The model has been used tostudy the hydrodynamic effect that a 40% reduction in the polluted drain water inflows tothe lake due to a diversion of this water towards the Sinai for land development. This studyconcluded that this action resulted in an improvement in the water circulation of the northwesternsector of the lake. The salinity increased in the southern part of the lake. Severalother lake management scenarios were proposed and the environmental effects on the lakewater quality are under investigation. It is concluded that the hydrodynamic modelsdeveloped may be used to study the cause and effects of other aquatic pollution problemsand permit the investigation of potential engineering solutions to improve water qualitymanagement.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

The application of a validated hydrodynamic model to improve the water management of an Egyptian shallow water coastal lake

This paper presents the preliminary results of the application of the ocean model (FVCOM)to replicate the hydrodynamic flows experienced within Lake El-Manzala, Egypt. Theconstruction of this model is used to characterize the ecosystem of this shallow brackishlake and assess a range of sustainable water management strategies. Lake El-Manzala is thelargest of the Egyptian shallow coastal lakes on the fringe of the Mediterranean Sea. Thelake currently supports 30% of the fresh water fish farm production of Egypt. In recentyears the aquatic health of the lake has significantly deteriorated due to an increase in thecontamination of the lake by polluted inflows and over intensive aquaculture. The focus ofthis study is to develop a model that may be employed to investigate the causes, effects andpotential solutions to the pollutant loads imposed on the lake. The model has been used tostudy the hydrodynamic effect that a 40% reduction in the polluted drain water inflows tothe lake due to a diversion of this water towards the Sinai for land development. This studyconcluded that this action resulted in an improvement in the water circulation of the northwesternsector of the lake. The salinity increased in the southern part of the lake. Severalother lake management scenarios were proposed and the environmental effects on the lakewater quality are under investigation. It is concluded that the hydrodynamic modelsdeveloped may be used to study the cause and effects of other aquatic pollution problemsand permit the investigation of potential engineering solutions to improve water qualitymanagement.