
climate change, participatory backcasting, seyhan basin, water management

Start Date

1-7-2010 12:00 AM


This paper reports backcasting results on the future of water in the SeyhanBasin, Turkey. The participative backcasting methodology uses prior information obtainedfrom stakeholders about the present, future and estimated states of water to optimize timeuse during the implementation. The study involved a broad range of stakeholders spanningfrom central decision makers to farmers. Reliable scenarios exploiting all kinds ofinformation sources are crucial in developing dependable and feasible policy options totackle the challenges residing in water management issues. Perception of the current watersystem and a structured view of the future in the Seyhan Basin have been determined. Thedesirable goal has been set as reaching sustainable irrigation by 2030. Necessary actions toreach the desired objective were grouped into four categories, namely policy,infrastructure, legal issues and extended education. After determining specific activities ineach category, the relationships and timing of the activities are set and potential obstaclesare identified. The findings suggest that the participation of non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs) with high human capital to policy, legal and infrastructural actions iscrucial. Use of water saving technologies, such as pressurized and prepaid irrigationsystems, dominate the scenario. NGOs related to irrigation are expected to play a key rolein finding funds that are necessary for the infrastructural investments. Support for capacitybuilding in irrigation related NGOs will be vital in reaching the objective. Lastly, subsidieson pressurized irrigation systems will also be inevitable.


Jul 1st, 12:00 AM

Visions for the Future of Water in Seyhan Basin, Turkey: A Backcasting Application

This paper reports backcasting results on the future of water in the SeyhanBasin, Turkey. The participative backcasting methodology uses prior information obtainedfrom stakeholders about the present, future and estimated states of water to optimize timeuse during the implementation. The study involved a broad range of stakeholders spanningfrom central decision makers to farmers. Reliable scenarios exploiting all kinds ofinformation sources are crucial in developing dependable and feasible policy options totackle the challenges residing in water management issues. Perception of the current watersystem and a structured view of the future in the Seyhan Basin have been determined. Thedesirable goal has been set as reaching sustainable irrigation by 2030. Necessary actions toreach the desired objective were grouped into four categories, namely policy,infrastructure, legal issues and extended education. After determining specific activities ineach category, the relationships and timing of the activities are set and potential obstaclesare identified. The findings suggest that the participation of non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs) with high human capital to policy, legal and infrastructural actions iscrucial. Use of water saving technologies, such as pressurized and prepaid irrigationsystems, dominate the scenario. NGOs related to irrigation are expected to play a key rolein finding funds that are necessary for the infrastructural investments. Support for capacitybuilding in irrigation related NGOs will be vital in reaching the objective. Lastly, subsidieson pressurized irrigation systems will also be inevitable.